In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

62. Ibid., 1890, pp. 651-70, February 14, 1890. 63. See J. M. S. Careless, Colonists and Canadians 1760-1867, Toronto: Macmillan, 1971, pp. 242, 246-7; Waite, Confederation Debates, pp. iv-v. The Sarnia Observer greeted the terms of Confederation as a "triumph" for Reform after a struggle of fifteen years (February 22, 1867). 64. Toronto Globe, June 28, 1867. 65. Ibid.; reprinted in D. Owen Carrigan, comp., Canadian Party Platfotms 1867-1968, Toronto: Copp Clark, 1968, pp. 5-7. 66. Once given legal status the system would probably be protected In future - or the system as It existed when provincial status was achieved. How many Reformers considered this point Is not clear (B.N.A. Act, section 93). 67. Globe, May 4, 1870. The concept of special language and ethnic rights was even more vigorously attacked May 5, 1870. Professor Careless, Brown of the G!obe, vol. II, pp. 278-9, Is Inclined to play down the Globe's comments. As an example of other Reform sentiment, see the comments In the Sarnla Observer, May 6, 27, and June 10, 1870. 68. Mr. Heintzman has. provided some very Interesting statements of Cartier on the North-West. No clear Intentions can, of course, be deduced from these, though some Indicate that French-Canadian Institutions In some form should be perpetuated In some undefined way. But that certain French Canadians held such views, however vague, can only reinforce my comments about the diversity of opinions about what Confederation meant for the future development of Canada and the mutual misunderstandings resulting therefrom. Thus, whl:e It Is possible to show that Cartier saw some kind of future for Lower Canadians In the North-West, It Is equally possible to show that many In Upper Canada had a different view. Take, for Instance, the comment of the Globe In December 1869, on the troubles of Red River: " ... the people of Ontario cannot R. B. Bennett and the Communists: 1930-1935 J. PETRYSHYN "Cradled by the sea, school teacher, lawyer , business man and politician, R. B. Bennett 's background will serve him well on the bridge of the ship of state."1 This eulogy, written on the eve of Canada's seventeenth general election, epitomized the decided opinion of the great majority of Canadians. Bennett had something to offer for everybody . To the traditional Tories he proposed a revival of Empire trade. To the business community, he promised to "blast his way" into the markets of the world by arranging a new tariff structure. To the ordinary CanaJournal of Canadian Studies view without Indignation and a:arm the fair hopes of securing the North-West Territory for themselves and their children blasted by the recklessness and incapacity of their rulers." Cited In H. Bowsfleld, ed., Louis Riel: Rebel of the Western Frontier or Victim of Politics and Prejudice? Toronto: Copp Clark, 1969, p. 43. The Sarnia Observer of September 9, 1870, noted that a local man and his family were off to settle In Red River, and added, "A few thousands of such Immigrants wou~d set matters right In Manitoba." The desirability of restraint in reading too much Into Cartler's statements about the minorities outside of Quebec Is underlined In the M.A. thesis of A. I. Sliver (op. cit., passim, esp. pp. 183-4) and In J.-C. Bonenfant, "Les ldees politlques de George-Etienne Cartier," in M. Hamelin, ed., Les ldees polit/ques des premiers mlnlstres du Canada/The Political Ideas of the Prime Ministers of Canada, Ottawa: Les Editions de l'Unlverslte d'Ottawa, 1969, esp. pp. 45-9. 69. Simply recall George Brown's triumphant exclamation of 1864: "French Canadlanlsm entirely extinguished!" See J. M. S. Careless, Brown of the Globe, vol. II, p. 171; Creighton , Road to Confederation, p. 182. 70. I am Indebted for this comment to conversations with Dr. Kenneth Munro, who has recently completed his Ph.D. dissertation on Chapleau for the University of Ottawa. 71. Joseph Tasse, ed., Dlscours de Sir Georges Cartier, Montreal: Eusebe Senecal & Flis, 1893, p. 432. Cf. Waite, Confederation Debates, p. 30, speech of Sir Narcisse Belleau. 72. Ramsay Cook, Provincial Autonomy, Minority Rights and the Compact Theory, 1867...

