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A Laurence Log A listing in chronological order of selected events in Margaret Laurence's life as a writer to 1978, including her book and periodical publications . In llsting short stories and articles, dates and locations are given only for the first appearance in print of the item listed. If a short story or article has been reprinted in one of Laurence's collections, this is noted in parentheses following initial entry. The book reviews listed represent only a small selection of those written by Laurence over the course of her career as a writer. A check list of selected books and articles, in chronological order, on her work is appended to the Log. Theses on Laurence, in progress or completed, are listed alphabetically by author. In listing bibliographic items the following abbreviations have been used: TT The Tomorrow-Tamer and Other Stories. BH A Bird in the House; Stories.· HS Heart ofa Stranger. Compiled by Susan J. Warwick (York University), January, 1978. 1926 Jean Margaret Wemyss born July 18 in Neepawa, Manitoba; daughter of Robert Wemyss and Verna Simpson Wemyss. Robert Wemyss' family history is traced to the Scots family of Wemyss, sept of the Clan MacDuff of Burntisland in Fifeshire, Scotland. John Wemyss, father of Robert, came to join his family in Canada in 1881 and shortly thereafter established himself as a barrister in Neepawa. Robert, the eldest son, was born in 1896 to John Wemyss and Margaret Harrison Wemyss. After servin~ in France during World War I, returned to Neepawa and joined his father's law firm. Married Verna Simpson in 1922. Verna Simpson's family history is traced to County Tyrone, Ireland. John Simpson, father of Verna, was born in Milton, Ontario in 1856 and in 1886, after marrying Jane Bailey, moved to Neepawa where he became an undertaker. Journal ofCanadian Studies Vol. 13, No. 3(Automne1978 Fall) Verna was born in 1896 to John Simpson and Jane Bailey Simpson. 1930 Verna Simpson Wemyss died suddenly of an acute kidney infection; her older sister, Margaret Simpson, came to Neepawa to care for her niece, (Jean) Margaret Wemyss, then aged four. Before her return to Neepawa Margaret Simpson was a teacher in Calgary; was instrumental in the founding of the Neepawa Public Library. 1931 Margaret Simpson married Robert Wemyss. 1933 Robert Wemyss Jr., son of Robert Wemyss and Margaret Simpson Wemyss, half-brother to (Jean) Margaret Wemyss, born. 1935 Robert Wemyss Sr., Margaret Wemyss' father, died. Jane Bailey Simpson, Margaret Wemyss' maternal grandmother and Margaret Simpson Wemyss' mother, died. 1938 Margaret Simpson Wemyss moved, with her two children, Margaret and Robert, into the home of her father, John Simpson. 1939 Margaret Laurence's first story, "Pillars of the Nation,'' written for a Winnipeg Free Press Contest . Marks the beginning of the town of Manawaka : ''The name of Manawaka comes from Indian words. Their meaning has been buried for so long that it can never be found, not even in the spring ploughing.'' Won an honourable mention. 1940-1944 Attended Neepawa Collegiate; editor of school newspaper, The Annals of the Black and Gold; awarded Governor-General's Medal in 1943. 1944 Entered United College in Winnipeg to study English on a scholarship. United College was an Arts and Theology College of about 750 students, an affiliate of the University of Manitoba. During period at United College began what was to be a lasting friendship with Adele Wiseman. During these years, as well as after, involved with "The Winnipeg Old Left,'' a group composed of members of the CCF, the CCP and their followers 75 dedicated to social reform. 1945 Study at United College continued; published several poems in the college paper, VOX, as well as the short story "Calliope." "Calliope," VOX, 18: 3b, 10-12. 1946-1947 Assistant editor o·f VOX during final year at United College; published several poems, a short story and a study of Robinson Jeffers' poetry in VOX. Graduated with Honours in English in the spring of 1947. "Tal des Waldes," VOX, 19:3, 3-5, 39-40, 54. 1947-1948 Worked as a reporter for The Winnipeg Citizen. Wrote book reviews, a daily radio column and covered labour news. 1948 Married Jack...

