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62 .Canadian. University Paperbooks bring you standard works of scholarship and books with lively popular appeal, all at popular prices. Among the 56 titles: THE CANADIAN IDENTITY BY W. L. MORTON ($1.75) THE BIAS OF COMMUNICATION BY HAROLD INNIS ($2.50) THE RENAISSANCE AND ENGLISH HUMANISM BY DOUGLAS BUSH ($1.50) A PROPHET IN POLITICS BY KENNETH MCNAUGHT ($2.25) CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS BY SEELEY, SIM AND LOOSLEY ( $2.45) TOWARDS A WORLD OF PLENTY? BY BARBARA WARD ($1.45) ESKIMO BY EDMUND CARPENTER ($3.95) GUTENBERG GALAXY BY MARSHALL MCLUHAN ( $2.25) HOW TO LEARN FRENCH IN CANADA BY VICTOR E. GRAHAM ($1.95) THE VERTICAL MOSAIC BY JOHN PORTER ( $4.50) MENCIUS BY W. A. C. H. DOBSON ($2.25) RIGHT AND WRONG IN FOREIGN POLICY BY JAMES EAYRS ($.95) University of Toronto Press 1362" had perhaps been moved from its original site. Controversy has raged over this find but the evidence in this reviewer's opinion is that it is genuine. Its position in the heart of the continent has been one of the main sources of doubt. How could Knutsson's expedition of 1360 'looking for Vinland' have got so far? Mowat suggests that Indians discovering the inscribed tablet regarded it as a cult stone and moved it from Lake Nipigon , where the Beardmore Norse relics (also highly suspect) were found, to the site where Olund came upon it more than 500 years after its author chiselled these words. Gwyn Jones incidentally makes no mention of this, a lamentable omission even if he doubts its genuineness, nor does he touch on Norse presence in Hudson Strait, to which Mowat devotes his last appendix, without being very convincing. If the Payne Bay site with signs of a large rectangular bnilding had really impressed the archaeologists in 1957, they would have swarmed over it by now. Mowat's present contribution to the Viking story, if anything, adds fuel to the argument, and many of his deductions will be well criticised. But as was stated earlier, some of his guesses are likely to be as good as those of other students of the problem. And the book is well put together with useful maps and index, and makes excellent reading. Notes Les articles contribues par M. Claude Ryan et par le docteur Eugene Forsey representent Jes textes des conferences qu'offrirent ceux-ci !ors de la serie des 'Champlain Lectures' qui eut lieu a l'universite Trent en 1965. M. Ryan est actuellement directeur du Devoir; le docteur Forsey est directeur de la recherche au Congres Canadien du Travail. Ils se sont souvent exprimes, tous les deux, au sujet de la constitution canadienne. Le professeur Philippe Garigue est actuellement doyen de la faculte des sciences sociales a l'universite de Montreal. Son discours fut preRevue d'etudes canadiennes sente aQuebec en juin, 1966, a!'occasion de la reunion de la Societe St. Jean Baptiste. Harry G. Johnson, who continues debate on a familiar theme in this issue, has been Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Editor of the Journal of Political Economy, and for the past year has been President of the Canadian Political Science Association. This summer he assumes the Chair of Political Economy in the London School of Economics, from where we trust that he will continue to apply his intelligence to Canadian affairs. P. D. Baird is with the Department of Geography at McGill University. Eric Mottram is Lecturer in American Literature at the University of London and has spent the past year as a Visiting Professor at New York University. In the Summer Issue of QUEEN'S QUARTERLY Federalism, Co-ordinate Status and the Canadian Situation by J. R. Hurley Modernization and Nostalgia: A Note on the Sociology of Pessimism by R. K. Crook China Revisited by Katherine and Hugh Keenleyside Harriet Taylor and John Stuart Mill: Artist and Scientist by John M. Robson Kant's Categorical Imperative: The Lasting Importance of an 18th Century Insight by E. J. Bond A Prodigy of Passion: Lorca's Last Book of Verse by J. C. Forster The Compleat Scientist, A Ternary System by Denis M. Shaw Cather's Mortal Comedy by D. H. Stewart...

