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New Books 3. Communications Lyman, Peter. Canada's Video Revolution: Pay-TV, Home Video and Beyond. Toronto : James Lorimer, 1983. Cloth $16.95, paper $7.95. Woodrow, R. Brian and Woodside, Kenneth B., eds. The Introduction of Pay-TV in Canada: Issues and Implications. Montreal : The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1982. 5. Economics and Business Canadian Tax Foundation. The National flnances: An Analysis of the Revenues and Expenditures of the Government of Canada, I982-83. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1983. $12.75. Tupper, Allan. Public Money in the Private Sector: Industrial Assistance Policy and Canadian Federalism. Kingston: The Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University, 1982. $11.95. Zohar, Uri. Canadian Manufacturing: A Study in Productivity and Technological Change, Volume I, Sector Performance and Industrial Strategy and Volume II, Industry Studies I946-1977 (The Canadian Institute for Economic Policy Series). Toronto: James Lorimer, 1982. 6. Education Charland, Jean-Pierre. Histoire de l'Enseignement Technique et Professionel. Quebec: L'Institut quebecois de recherche sur la culture, 1982. Thivierge, Nicole. Ecoles Menageres et Instituts Familiaux: un modele jeminin traditionnel . Quebec: L'Institut quebecois de recherche sur la culture, 1982. 7. Environmental and Resource Studies Jackson, John; Weller, Phil and WPIRG. Chemical Nightmare: the Unnecessary Legacy of Toxic Wastes. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1983. Cloth $15.95, paper $5.50. McDougall, I.A. Marketing Canada's Energy: A Strategy for Security in Oil and Gas. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1983. Cloth $16.95, paper $7.95. McKay, Paul. Electric Empire: The Inside Story of Ontario Hydro. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1983. Cloth $22.95, paper $10.95. Shaffer, Ed. Canada's Oil and the American Empire. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1983. Cloth $27.95, paper $14.95. Journal ofCanadian Studies Vol. 18, No. 1(Printemps1983 Spring) 9. History Brock, Jeffry V. The Thunder and the Sunshine , Vol. II. Toronto: Mcclelland and Stewart, 1983. Hardcover $24.95. Breen, David H. The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier, 1874-1924. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983. Cloth $28.95. Cross, Michael S. and Kealey, Gregory S., eds. The Consolidation of Capitalism, 1896-1929: Readings in Canadian Social History, Vol. 4. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1983. Paper $9.95. ___. Economy and Society During the French Regime to 1759: Readings in Canadian Social History, Vol. I. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1983. Paper $9.95. Feltner, Charles E. and Feltner, Jeri Baron. Great Lakes Maritime History: Bibliography and Sources ofInformation. Dearborn , Michigan: Seajay Publications, 1982. Paper $9.95 (U.S.). Foster, John E. The Developing West: Essays on Canadian History in Honor of Lewis H. Thomas. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 1983. Paper $15.00. Francis, Daniel and Morantz, Toby. Partners in Fur: A History of the Fur Trade in Eastern James Bay, 1600-1870. Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1983. Cloth $25.00, paper $9.95. Gad, Finn. The History ofGreenland: Volume III, I782-I808. Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1983. Cloth $40.00. Gagnon, Serge. Man and His Past. Montreal: Harvest House, 1982. Paper $5.95. ___. Quebec and Its Historians, 1840 to 1920. Montreal: Harvest House, 1982. Paper $9.95. Hayden, Michael, ed. So Much To Do, So Little Time: The Writings of Hilda Neatby. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983. Cloth $35.00. Jones, David C. Midways, Judges and SmoothTongued Fakirs: The l/lustrated Story of Country Fairs in the Prairie West. Saskatoon : Western Producer Prairie Books, 1983. Paper $16.95. Linteau, Paul-Andre; Durocher, Rene; and Robert, Jean-Claude. Quebec: A History - 1867-1929. Translated by Robert Chodos. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1983. Cloth $26.95, paper $18.95. Moir, John S. A History of Biblical Studies in Canada: A Sense ofProportion. Chico, California: Scholars' Press, 1982. Hardcover $17.95. 143 Norcross, E. Blanche, ed. The Company on the Coast. Nanaimo, B.C.: Nanaimo Historical Society, 1983. Paper $7.50. Rooke, Patricia and Schnell, R.L. Studies in Childhood History: A Canadian Perspective . Calgary: Detselig, 1982. Sawatsky, John. For Services Rendered: Leslie James Bennett and the RCMP Security Service. Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1982. Hardcover $22.95. Swyripa, Frances and Thompson, John Herd, eds. Loyalties In Conflict: Ukrainians in Canada During the Great War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983...

