In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANNUAL INDEX ANNUEL - VOLUME 20 - 1985 AUTHORS/COLLABORATEURS ARMOUR, LESLIE. Philosophy and Denominationalism in Ontario. No. I, 25-38. BAILEY, NANCY. Imaginative and Historical Truth in Wiebe'.s The Mad Trapper. No. 2, 70-79. BAINS, YASHDIP SINGH. Canadian Newspaper Reviews on Frederick Brown. No. 2, 150-58. BALDWIN, DOUGLAS 0., and HELEN M. GILL. The Savings Bank of Prince Edward Island: Philanthropy and SelfInterest in the Nineteenth Century. No. 4, 115-25. BASKERVILLE, P.A. The Pet Bank, the Local State and the Imperial Centre, 1850I864 -. No. 3, 22-46. BROUWER, RUTH COMPTON. Moral Nationalism in Victorian Canada: The Case of Agnes Machar. No. 1, 90-108. CAMERON, ELSPETH. Famininity, or Parody ofAutonomy: Anorexia Nervosa and The Edible Woman. No. 2, 45-69. CAMPBELL, ROBERT MALCOLM. Technology , Democracy and the Politics of Economic Regeneration (review article). No. 4, 158-72. CANUEL, ALAIN. La Presence de l'imperialisme dans Les debuts de la radiophonie au Canada, 1900-1928. No. 4, 45-59. CRAIG, TERRENCE L. F.P. Grove and the "Alien" Immigrant in the West. No. 2, 92-101. CURTIS, DOUGLAS C.A., and K.S.R. MURTHY. Canadian Monetary Policy 1955-1965: A Simulation Study. No. 4, 126-39. DAVIS, DON, DOUG MCCALLA, DUNCAN MCDOWALL, and TOM TRAYES. Introduction to Business History issue. No. 3, 3-4, 172-73. DEAN, MISAO. The Process of Definition: Nationality in Sara Jeannette Duncans Early International Novels. No. 2, 132-49. ERRINGTON, JANE. Friends and Foes: The Kingston Elite and the War of 1812 - A Case Study in Ambivalence. No. I, 58-79. FINK, CECELIA COULAS. "If Words Won't Do, and Symbols Fail": Hodgins' Magic Reality. No. 2, 118-31. FINLAY, JOHN L. The State ofa Reputation: 164 Bedard as Constitutionalist. No. 4, 60-76. GALLIGAN, BRIAN. An Elected Senate for Canada? The Australian Model. No. 4, 77-98. GAREBIAN, KEITH. Risks: The 1985 Shaw Festival (review). No. 4, 148-58. GERRY, THOMAS M.F. "Amongst the Assemblies We Hope No More": David Willson's Writings on His Separation from the Quakers. No. 2, 102-17. GILL, HELEN M., and DOUGLAS 0. BALDWIN . The Savings Bank of Prince Edward Island: Philanthropy and SelfInterest in the Nineteenth Century. No. 4, I 15-25. IGARTUA, JOSE E. 'Corporate' Strategy and Locational Decision-Making: The DukePrice Alcoa Merger, 1925. No. 3, 82-101. JENNINGS, JOHN. The Mad Trapper in Literature and Film. No. 2, 80-91. JONES, ELWOOD. The Loyalists and Canadian History (review article). No. 3, 149-56. KEAST, RONALD. "It Is Written - But I Say Unto You": Innis on Religion. No. 4, 12-25. KEITH, W.J. The Roots ofFantasy: Document and Invention in Robertson Davies'.s Fiction . No. 1, 109-19. KEYSERLINGK, ROBERT H. Mackenzie King's Spiritualism and His View of Hitler in I939. No. 4, 26-44. LECKER, ROBERT. OfParasites and Governors : Christopher Dewdney's Poetry. No. I, 136-52. LOWER, ARTHUR. Harold Innis As I Remember Him. No. 4, 3-11. MACLAREN, I.S. The Aesthetic. Mapping of Nature in the Second Franklin Expedition. No. I, 39-57. MACLULICH, T.D. Reading the Land: The Wilderness Tradition in Canadian Letters. No. 2, 29-44. MCDOWALL, DUNCAN. Business History as Public History: One of Canada'.s Infant Industries. No. 3, 5-2 I. MILLER, J.R. Farewell to "Monks, Eunuchs, and Vestal Virgins": Recent Western Canadian Historical Writing (review article ). No. 3, 156-66. MURTHY, K.S.R., and DOUGLAS C.A. CURTIS. Canadian Monetary Policy 1955-1965: A Simulation Study. No. 4, 126-39. Revue detudes canadiennes Vol. 21, No. I (Prillfemps 1986 SprinR) NEATBY, BLAIR. Review of The Great Brain Robbe1y: Canada's Universities on the Road to Ruin. No. 1, 153-54. NEUFELD, JAMES E. Touchstones: The National Ballet 1984-85 (review). No. 3, 143-49. OMMER, ROSEMARY E. What's Wrong With Canadian Fish? No. 3, 122-42. PETERMAN, MICHAEL. Nineteen Years Later (editorial). No. 2, 3-4, 163. ____. Ontario: Ours to Discover (editorial). No. 1, 3-4. PIERSON, RUTH ROACH. Women Have Nothing to Gain from a Harvard of the North (review). No. 1, 154-61. RUBENSTEIN, ROBERTA. Pandora's Box and Female Survival: Margaret Atwood's Bodily Hann. No. 1, 120-35. RUDIN...

