In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books and Journals Received
Acedo-Matellán, Victor. 2016. The morphosyntax of transitions: A case study in Latin and other languages. New York: Oxford University Press. 288 pp. $99.00 (paper).
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2016. How gender shapes the world. New York: Oxford University Press. 320 pp. $105.00 (cloth).
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y., and R. M. W. Dixon, eds. 2016. The grammar of knowledge: A cross-linguistic typology. New York: Oxford University Press. 350 pp. $39.95 (paper).
Alim, H. Samy, John Rockford, and Arnetha F. Ball, eds. 2016. Raciolinguistics: How language shapes our ideas about race. New York: Oxford University Press. 376 pp. $34.95 (cloth).
Anderson, Wendy, Ellen Bramwell, and Carole Hough, eds. 2016. Mapping English metaphor through time. New York: Oxford University Press. 352 pp. $105.00 (paper).
Binnick, Robert I., ed. 2016. The Oxford handbook of tense and aspect. New York: Oxford University Press. 1132 pp. $55.00 (paper).
Blaszczak, Joanna, Anastasia Giannakidou, Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, and Krzysztof Migdalski, eds. 2017. Mood, aspect, modality revisited: A genealogy of new answers to old questions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 400 pp. $70.00 (cloth).
Boase-Beier, Jean, Peter Davies, Andrea Hammel, and Marion Winters, eds. 2017. Translating Holocaust lives. New York: Bloomsbury. 264 pp. $128.00 (cloth).
Bond, Francis, Timothy Baldwin, Kentaro Inui, Shun Ishizaki, Hiroshi Nakagawa, and Akira Shimazu, eds. 2016. Readings in Japanese natural language processing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 300 pp. $30.00 (paper).
Bond, Olivia, Greville G. Corbett, Marina Chumakina, and Dunstan Brown, eds. 2016. ARCHI: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. 320 pp. $105.00 (cloth).
Büring, Daniel. 2016. Intonation and meaning. New York: Oxford University Press. 384 pp. $39.95 (paper).
Charteris-Black, Jonathan. 2016. Fire metaphors: Discourses of awe and authority. New York: Bloomsbury. 248 pp. $128.00 (cloth).
Coghill, Eleanor. 2016. The rise and fall of ergativity in Aramaic. New York: Oxford University Press. 368 pp. $105.00 (paper).
Cognition. 149 (April 2016), 150 (May 2016), 151 (June 2016), 152 (July 2016), 153 (August 2016), 154 (September 2016), 155 (October 2016), 156 (November 2016), 157 (December 2016), 158 (January 2017), 159 (February 2017), 160 (March 2017). Steven Sloman, ed. The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Cordingley, Anthony, and Céline Frigau Manning, eds. 2017. Collaborative translation: From the Renaissance to the Digital Age. New York: Bloomsbury. 272 pp. $128.00 (cloth).
Coulmas, Florian. 2016. Guardians of language: Twenty voices through history. New York: Oxford University Press. 256 pp. $55.00 (cloth).
Danesi, Marcel. 2016. The semiotics of emoji: The rise of visual language in the age of the Internet. New York: Bloomsbury. 208 pp. $22.95 (paper). [End Page 723]
Das, Sonia N. 2016. Linguistic rivalries: Tamil migrants and Anglo-Franco conflicts. New York: Oxford University Press. 296 pp. $35.95 (paper).
Detey, Sylvain, Jacques Durand, Bernard Laks, and Chantal Lyche, eds. 2016. Varieties of spoken French. New York: Oxford University Press. 432 pp. $120.00 (cloth).
Dixon, R. M. W. 2016. Are some languages better than others? New York: Oxford University Press. 208 pp. $40.00 (cloth).
Duanmu, San. 2016. A theory of phonological features. New York: Oxford University Press. 192 pp. $99.00 (cloth).
Féry, Caroline, and Shinichiro Ishihara, eds. 2016. The Oxford handbook of information structure. New York: Oxford University Press. 800 pp. $155.00 (cloth).
Gavins, Joanna, and Ernestine Lahey, eds. 2016. World building: Discourse in the mind. New York: Bloomsbury. 312 pp. $128.00 (cloth).
Genosko, Gary. 2016. Critical semiotics: Theory, from information to affect. New York: Bloomsbury. 200 pp. $39.95 (paper).
Gordon, Matthew K. 2016. Phonological typology. New York: Oxford University Press. 384 pp. $50.00 (paper).
Gramling, David. 2016. The invention of monolingualism. New York: Bloomsbury. 272 pp. $29.95 (paper).
Hill, Virginia, and Gabriela Alboiu. 2016. Verb movement and clause structure in Old Romanian. New York: Oxford University Press. 312 pp. $115...

