Canadian Studies News and Notes
- Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes
- University of Toronto Press
- Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 1989
- pp. 160-162
- Article
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Canadian Studies Nel-vs and Notes 1. Locus, subtitled "an historical journal of regional perspectives on national topics," has recently appeared in its first issue (Fall 1988). Published by the University of North Texas Press and devoted to the issue of"how local history supplies answers to major historical questions," the journal promises to address a range of national perspectives including those ofCanada. For more information contact the Editors, Locus, Department of History, University of North Texas, P.O. Box 13735, Denton, Texas 76203-3735. 2. Atlantic Canada Studies Conference , 17-19 May 1990. The eighth biennial Atlantic Canada Studies Conference will be hosted and sponsored by the CanadianAmerican Center, University of Maine. Papers on aspects of regional history and development from the disciplines of history, geography, literature, folklore, anthropology, and the other humanities and social sciences are most welcome. Proposals for papers and sessions should be sent to Stephen J. Hornsby, Canadian-American Center, University of Maine, 154 College Avenue, Orono, Maine 04469, by I July 1989. 3. The Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS) holds its triennial conference August 24-31, 1989 at the University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Focussing particularly on multiculturalism and cross-cultural connections in the Commonwealth, the conference draws together speakers and writers including Timothy Mo, Michael 160 Ondaatje, Derek Walcott, Edward Said, and Joy Kogawa. For information contact: Dr. Lyn Innis, ACLALS Triennial Conference Coordinator , Darwin College, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NY, England. 4. Montpelier (Vermont), July 7-9, 1989. Vermont and Canada: Regional Ties that Bind. To commemorate the sesquicentennial anniversary celebration of the Vermont Historical Society, VHS, in conjunction with the University of Vermont's History Department and Canadian Studies Program, will host a conference to explore the shared history and inter-relationship of Vermont and Canada. The two-day program examines new scholarship on the themes of "The Contact Period," "The Canadian Rebellions and Their Echoes Across the Border," and "Regional Economy and Shared Resources." Contact: Dr. Michael Sherman, Director, Vermont Historical Society, Pavilion Bldg., Montpelier, VT 05602. 5. Sherbrooke, 23-26 aout 1989. Le troisieme congres de I'Association de recherches intercultureUes (ARIC) se tiendra aruniversite de Sherbrooke et devrait avoir pour theme ldentitl, culture et changement social. Renseignements: Fernand Ouellet, Collectif de recherche interculturelle, Universite de Sherbrooke , Sherbrooke, Qc, JIK 2RI. (819) 821-7605. 6. Halifax, September 28-30, 1989. 9th Atlantic Canada Workshop - "Women, Community, and Culture ." Themes include gender relations , the community in transition, and research methodologies. Topics related to the experiences of women in Atlantic Canada will receive particular attention. Revue detudes canadiennes Vol. 24, No. I (Pri111m1ps 1989 Spri11g) Interested persons are encouraged to contact Laurie Alexander and Sharon Myers, Atlantic Canada Studies, Gorsebrook Research Institute, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3C3. (902) 420-5668. 7. Calgary, October 18-21, 1989. The lOth Biennial Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Conference on the theme Canadian Ethnic Studies: The State of the An, the State of the Practice/La lOe conference biennale de la Societe canadienne d'etudes ethniques sur le theme Eludes ethniques au Canada: L'etat actuel de la theorie, l'etat actuel de la pratique. For further informationcontact: CESA Conference 1989, Dean's Office , Faculty ofSocial Science, The University ofCalgary, 2500 University Drive N.W. , Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4. (403) 220-6151. Calgary, October 21-22, 1989 (to be held in conjunction with the above). Migration and the Trans- !onnatWn of Cultures in Canadq' Migrations et transfonnations des cultures au Canada. Address enquiries to: Jean Burnet, Unesco Conference Committee , Multicultural History Society ofOntario, 43 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C3. (416) 979-2973. 8. Toronto, November 17-18, 1989. Challenges, Projects and Texts: Canadian Editing, 25th Annual Conference on Editorial Problems /Defis, projets et textes dans /'edition critique au Canada, 25e congres sur Jes problemes de !'edition critique. For information contact: John Lennox, Department of English, York University, North York, Ontario , M3J 1P3; or Janet Paterson, Departement de fran9ais, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6. Journal of Canadian Studies 9. San Francisco (California), November 17-20, 1989. The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States will meet at the Westin Saint...