In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

New Books Archives Coles, Laura M. ArchivalGold: Managing and Preserving Publishers' Records. British Columbia: Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing, Simon Fraser University, 1989. Pennington, Maura Taylor, and Su8an Bellay. For God, King, Pen and Country: The Papers of Charles William Gordon ["Ralph Connor7 (1860-I937). Winnipeg: University ofManitoba, I990. Culture and the Arts CanMus Documents 4: Three Studies. Toronto: Institute for Canadian Music, 1989. Corbet, E.A., and A.W. Rasporich. Winter Spans in the West. Calgary: Historical Society of Alberta, 1990. Hutcheon, Linda. As Canadian as Possible under the Circumstances. Toronto: York University and ECW Press, 1990. Stebbins, Robert A. The Laugh-Makers: Stand-Up Comedy as Art, Business, and Lifestyle. Montreal/Kingston: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1990. Tremblay, Gaetan. Les Industries de la culture et de la communication au Quebec et au Canada. Quebec: Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 1990. Vipond, Mary. The Mass Media in Canada. Toronto: Lorimer, 1989. History Hodgins, Bruce, et al., eds. Federalism in Canada andAustralia: Historical Perspectives, I920-88. Peterborough : Frost Centre for Canadian Heritage and Development Studies, Trent University, 1989. Lacroix, Benoit, ed. Lionel Groulx Correspondence, Volume I I894I906 . Quebec: Fides, 1989. Laycock, David. Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, I9IO to I945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. 204 Martin, Ged, ed. The Causes of Confederation . Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1990. Santink, Joy L. Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. Smith, Donald B. From the Land of Shadows: The Making ofGrey Owl. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1990. Taylor, Don, and Bradley Dow. The Rise ofIndustrial Unionism in Canada: A History of the CJO. Kingston: Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1988. Villa, Brian Loring. Unauthorized Action: Mountbatten and the Dieppe Raid. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. Ward, Norman, and David Smith. Jimmy Gardiner: Relentless Liberal. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. International Relations Helleiner, Gerald K., ed. The Other Side ofInternational Development Policy: The Non-Aid Economic Relations with Developing Countries of Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. Literary Criticism Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in PostColonial Literatures. London/ New York: Routledge, 1989. Birney, Earle. Spreading Time: Remarks on Canadian Writers and Writing, I904-1949. Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1989. Roberts, Carol, and Lynne Macdonald. Timothy Findley: An Annotated Bibliography. Toronto: ECW Press, 1990. Politics and Law Jackson, Robert J., and DoreenJackson. Politics in Canada: Culture, Institutions , Behaviourand Public Policy. Revue detudes canadiennes Vol. 25. No. I (Printemps /990Spring) 2nd ed. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1990. Lemieux, Vincent. Les Institutions quebecoises: leur role leur avenir. Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1990. Silver, Jim, and Jeremy Hull, eds. The Political Economy of Manitoba. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1990. Stein, Michael B. Canadian Constitutional Renewal, 1968-1981: A Case Study in Integrative Bargaining. Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University , 1989. White, Randall. Voice of Region: The Long Journey to Senate Reform in Canada. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1990. Sociology Ng, Roxana, et al., eds. Community Organization and the Canadian State. Toronto: Garamond, 1990. Women's Studies Ainley, MarianneGosztonyi, ed. Despite the Odds: Essays on Canadian Women and Science. Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1990. This Magazine is indexed in the ICANADIANMAGAZINEINDEX! Indexing is also available online and on CD ROM through .Canadian Business and Current Affairs Micromedia Limited Canada's Information People 158 Pearl Street Toronto, Ontario M5H lLJ 416,593,5211 J,BQ0,387,2689 ...

