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New Books Archives Corbett, Bryan. From the Past to the Future: A Guide to the Holdings ofthe University ofAlberta Archives. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1992. 284 pp. Biography and Memoirs Best, John C. 17wmas Baker McQuesten: Public Works, Politics andImagination. Hamilton: Corinth Press, 1992. 224pp. Leeson, Howard. Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1992. 256 pp. $24.95 cloth. McQuarrie, Heath. Red Tory Blues: A Political Memoir. Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1992. 378 pp. $35.00 cloth. Potvin, Rgse. Passion and Conviction: The Letters of Graham Spry. Regina: University of Regina Press, 1992. 278 pp. $32.00 cloth. Culture and the Arts Gervais, C.H. People in Struggle: 171e Life and Art of Bill Stapleton. Waterloo: Penumbra, 1992. 128pp. $24.95 paper. Holmes, Helen and David Taras. Seeing Ourselves: Media Power and Policy in Canada. Toronto: HBJ, 1992. 374 pp. Morris, Peter. Embattled Shadows: A HistoryofCanadian Cinema. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992. 350 pp. $15.95 paper. Economics and Business Waverman, Leonard, ed. Negotiating and Implementing a North American Free Trade Agreement. Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 1992. 152 pp. Ethnicity Kostash, Myrna. All of Baba's Children. Edmonton: Newest, 1992. 446 pp. $16.95 paper. History Bellavance, Marcel. Le Quebec et la Confederation : Un Choix Libre? Sillery: 146 Septentrion, 1992. 216 pp. $20.00 paper. Gough, Barry M. 771e Northwest Coast, British Navigation, Trade and Discoveries ro 1812. Vancouver: University ofBritish Columbia Press, 1992. 288 pp. $39.95 cloth. Iacovetta, Franca and Mariana Valverde. Gender Conjlicrs: New Essays in Women'sHisrory. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. 303 pp. $16.95 paper, $45.00 cloth. Palmer, Bryan. Working Class Experience: Rerhinking rhe History of Canadian Labour, 1800-1991. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1992. 424 pp. $26.99 paper. Literary Criticism Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins. The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass: L.M. Momgomery's Heroines and the Pursuit ofRomance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. 275pp. $35.00cloth. McLaren, I.S. and C. Potvin. Literary Genres/Les Genres Litteraires. Edmonton : University ofAlberta Press, 1992. 164 pp. $18.00 paper. Pivato, Joseph. Contrasts: Comparative Essays on Italian-Canadian Writing. Montreal: Guernica, 1992. Native Studies Buckley, Helen. From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare: Why Indian PolicyFailedinthe Prairie Provinces. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992. 209 pp. $34.95 cloth. Dickason, Olive Patricia. Canada's First Nations: A Hisrory ofFounding Peoples from Earliest Times. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1992. 590 pp. $29.99 paper. Dyck, Noel. What is the Indian 'Problem': Tiiie/age and Resistance in Canadian Indian Adminisrration. St. John's: Memorial University, 1992. 154 pp. $24.95 paper. The North Dickerson, Mark 0. Whose North? Polirical Change, Political DevelopmentandSelfGovemment in the Northwest Territories . Vancouver: University ofBritish Columbia Press, 1992. 249 pp. $ 19.95 paper, $39.95 cloth. Revue d'etudes canadiennes Vol. 27. No. 2 (Ete 1992 Summer) lngstad, Helge. The Land of Feast and Famine. Montreal/Kingston: McGillQueen 's University Press, 1992. 332 pp. $ 19.95 paper, $39.95 cloth. Politics and Law Abele, Frances, ed. How Ottawa Spends: 7he Politics of Competitiveness 1992-93. Toronto: Oxford, 1992. 401 pp. $2 1.95 paper. Balvis, Herman, ed. Voter Turnout in Canada. Toronto: Dundum, 1992. 188 pp. Balthazar, Louis, et. al., eds. Le Quebec et la Restructuration du Canada, 19801992 . Sillery: Septentrion, 1992. 312 pp. Bonin, Daniel. Towards Reconciliation? The Language Issue in Canada in the 1990s. Kingston: Queen's University Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 1992. 144pp. Coyne, Deborah. Rollofthe Dice: Working with Clyde Wells during theMeech Lake Negotiations. Toronto: Lorimer, 1992. 154 pp. $ 16.95 paper. Gagnon, Alain - G., ed. Democracy with Justice. Toronto: Oxford, 1992. 447 pp. $24.95 paper. Hurlbert, E.L. and M.A. Hurlbert. School Law Under the Charter ofRights and Freedoms second edition. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1992. 242 pp. $29.95 paper. Joy, Richard J. Canada's Official Languages: The Progress ofBilingualism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. 133 pp. $18.95 paper, $45.00 cloth. McCrarie, James N. and Martha L. MacDonald . 711e Constitutional Futureofthe Prairie andAtlantic Regions ofCanada. Regina: University of Regina Press, 1992. 345 pp. $26.00 paper. McDavid, James C. and D. Brian Marson, eds. The Well-Peiforming Government Organization. Toronto...

