In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

New Books Archives Fortier, Normand. Guide to Oral History Collections in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Oral History Association, 1994. 398 pp. Vaillancourt, Pierre-Louis, ed. Paysages de Rejean Ducharme. Quebec: Fides, 1994. 319 pp. Biography and Memoirs Caplan, Gerald. Just Causes: Notes of an Unrepentant Socialist. Toronto: ECW, 1994. $16.95 paper. 250 pp. Woodcock, George. Walki11g Through The Valley: Autobiography. Toronto: ECW, 1994. $16.95 paper. 211 pp. Culture and the Arts Diamond, Beverley and Robert Witmer. Canadian Music: Issues of Hegemony a11d Identity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 1994. 615 pp. Keillor, Elaine. John Weinzweig and His Music: The Radical Romantic of Canada. London: Scarecrow, 1994. 316 pp. Lennox, John, et. al., eds. Voyages: Real and Imaginary, Personal and Collective. Montreal: Association for Canadian Studies, 1994. 200 pp. Demographics Trovato, Frank and Carl F. Grindstaff, eds. Perspectives on Canada's Population: A11 Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994. $27.95 paper. 438 pp. Environmental and Resource Studies Hood, George N. Against the Flow: Rafferty-Alameda and the Politics of the Environment. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1994. $16.95 paper. 232 pp. Ethnicity Berry, J. W. and J.A. Laponce, eds. Ethnicity and Culture in Canada: The Research Landscape. Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1994. 579 pp. Journal ofCanadian Studies Vol. 29, No. 2 (Ete 1994 Summer) Noel, Lise. Intolerance: A Ge11eral Survey. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. 278 pp. Reitz, Jeffrey G. and Raymond Breton. The Illusion ofDifference: Qualities of Ethnicity in Canada and the United States. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1994. 156 pp. Sopta, Marin and Gabriele Scardellato, eds. Unknown Journey: A History of Croatians in Canada. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1994. 159 pp. History Arnup, Katherine. Education f~r Motherhood: Advice for Mothers in Twentieth-Century Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. $50 cloth, $18.95 paper. 251 pp. Bouthillier, Guy. A Armes Agates: Combat pour le Quebec Fran~ais . Sillery: Septentrion, 1994. $15 paper. 156 pp. Buckner, Phillip A. and John G. Reid. The Atlantic Region to Confederation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. $60 cloth, $29.95 paper. 491 pp. Conway, J.F. The West: A History of a Region in Confederation. Toronto: Lorimer, 1994. 372 pp. Given, Brian J. A Most Pernicious Thing: Gun Trading and Native Warfare in the Early Contact Period. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994. $14.95 paper. 138 pp. Gougeon, Gilles. A History of Quebec Nationalism. Toronto: Lorimer, 1994. 118 pp. Graves, Donald E. Red Coats and Grey Jackets: The Battle of Chippawa 5 July 1814. Toronto: Dundum, 1994. $18.99 paper. 210 pp. Guildford, Janet and Suzanne Morton, eds. Separate Spheres: Women's Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes. Fredericton : Acadiensis, 1994. $19.95 paper. 250pp. Lawson, Philip. The Imperial Challenge: Quebec and Britain in the Age of the American Revolution. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. $44.95 cloth, $17.95 paper. 192 pp. 195 Lord, Michael. En Quete du Roman Gothique Quebecois 1837-1860. Quebec: Nuit blanche, 1994. $21.95 paper. 180 pp. McAndrew, Bill, et. al. Normandy 1944: The Canadian Summer. St. Catherines: Vanwell, 1994. $39.95 cloth. 164 pp. McKenna, Katherine M.J. A Life of Propriety: Anne Murray Powell and Her Family, 1755-1849. Montreal/ Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. 327 pp. Nicholl, Christopher. Bishop's University 1843-1970. Montreal/Kingston: McGillQueen 's University Press, 1994. $39.95 cloth. 373 pp. Norton, Wayne R., ed. Help Us to a Better Land: Crofter Colonies in the Prairie West. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1994. $15 paper. 107 p. Samson, Daniel. Contested Countryside: Rural Workers and Modern Society in Atlantic Canada 1800-1950. Fredericton : Acadiensis, 1994. $19.95 paper. 272pp. Vemey, Jack. O'Callaghan: The Making and Unmaking of a Rebel. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994. $24.95 paper. 258 pp. Waite, P.B. The Lives of Dalhousie University. Montreal/Kingston: McGillQueen 's University Press, 1994. $39.95 cloth. 338 pp. International Relations Lamson, Cynthia, ed. The Sea Has Many Voices: Oceans Policy for a Complex World. Montreal/Kingston: McGillQueen 's University Press, 1994. $44.95 cloth. 327 pp. Pratt, Cranford. Canadian International Development Assistance Policies: An Appraisal. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University...

