In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANNUAL INDEX ANNUEL - VOLUME 28, 1993-94 AlITHORS/COLLABORATEURS ADAMS, MARY LOUISE. In Sickness and in Health: State Formation, Moral Regulation , and Early VD Initiatives in Ontario. No. 4: I 17-30. BALDWIN, DOUGLAS. L.M. Montgomery' s Anne of Green Gables: The Japanese Connection. No. 3: 123-33. BELAND, FRAN<;OIS and EVELYN SHAPIRO. Dix provinces appellent de leurs voewc la meme politique de services de tongue duree. No. I: 166-91. BOUDREAU, MICHAEL. A "Rare and Unusual Treat ofHistorical Significance": The I923 Hector Celebration and the Political Economy of the Past. No. 4: 2848 . BRADBURY, BETTINA. Women and the History of their Work in Canada: Some Recent Books (review article). No. 3: I5978 . CALLISTE, AGNES. Race, Gender and Canadian Immigration Policy: Blacks From the Caribbean, 1900-1932. No. 4: 131-48. CAMPBELL, ROBERT M. Wishing and Hoping: The 1993 Federal Election (editorial). No. 3: 3-4, 184-5. CHAPPELL, NEENA L. Technology and Aging. No. 1: 45-58. CHEN, MERVIN Y.T. and LYNN MCDONALD. The Youth Freeze and the Retirement Bulge: Older Workers and the Impending Labour Shortage. No. I: 75101 . CLARKE, P.O. Rameau de Saint-Pere, Moise de l'Acadie? No. 2: 69-95. CLEMENT, DANIEL. Uinashk" (la marmotte commune). No. 3: 62-74. CURTIS, BRUCE. Mapping the Social: Notes from Jacob Keefer's Educational Tours, 1845. No. 2: 5 1-68. DEMBSKI, PETER E. PAUL. An English, Protestant, Upper-Class Feminist on the Grand Tour: Elizabeth Smith Shortt in Great Britain and Europe, 191/.No. 4: 7287 . DUFFY, DENNIS. Present at the Creation: John Richardson and Souwesto. No. 3: 7591 . DUPRE RlITH. Was the Quebec Government Spending So Little?: A Comparison With Ontario, 1867-1969. No. 3: 45-61. DUTIL, P.A. The Polilics of Muzzling "Lucifer' s Representative": Godfray Langlois' s Test of Wilfrid Laurier' s Liberals, 1892-1910. No. 2: 113-29. FINDLEY, TIMOTHY. Significant Others (Point-Counterpoint). No. 4: 149-59. 176 FOOT, DAVID K. and KEVIN J. GIBSON. Population Aging in 1he Canadian Labour Force: Changes and Challenges. No. I: 5974 . GEE, ELLEN M. and SUSAN A. MCDANIEL. Social Policy for an Aging Society. No. I: 139-52. GIBSON, KEVIN J. and DAVID K. FOOT. Population Aging in the Canadian Labour Force: Changes and Challenges. No. 1: 5974 . GLADSTONE, JAMES and CAROLYN J. ROSENTHAL. Family Relationships and Supporl in Later Life. No. 1: 122-38. GODFREY, W.G. "A Vision Beyond Reach": Some Recent Atlantic Canadian Studies (review article). No. 4: 160-69. GREENHORN, DONNA AND DONALD MACINTOSH. Hockey Diplomacy and Canadian Foreign Policy. No. 2: 96-112. HALDEMANN,VERENAandANDREW WISTER. Environment and Aging. No. 1: 30-44. . HEINIMANN, DAVID. Latitude Rising: Historical Continuity in Canadian Nordicity (Point-Counterpoint). No. 3: 13439 . HOWE, R. BRIAN. lncrementalism and Human Rights Reform. No. 3: 29-44. JASEN, PATRICIA. Native People and the Tourist Industry in Nine1eenth-Ce111ury Ontario. No. 4: 5-27. JOSEPH, ALUN E. and ANNE MARTINMATTHEWS . Growing Old in Aging Communi1ies. No. I: 14-29. KARPINSKI, EVA C. The Immigrant as Writer: Cul1ural Resistance and Conformity in Josef Skvorecky's The Engineer of Human Souls and Raymond Federman's Take It or Leave It. No. 3: 92104 . KROLLER, EVA-MARIE. Fear ofFlying? The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Canadian Culture. No. 4: 102-16. KULCHYSKI, PETER. Anthropology ill the Service of1he Stare: Diamond Jenness and Canadian Indian Policy. No. 2: 21-50. LUTZ, JOHN. Light and Shadows: Canadian Capitalists in Larin America and the Caribbean (review article). No. I: 192-97. MACDOWELL, LAUREL SEFTON. Canada's "Gulag": Project #5I Lac Seu/ (A Tale From 1he Great Depression). No. 2: 130-58. MACINTOSH , DONALD AND DONNA GREENHORN. Hockey Diplomacy and Canadian Foreign Policy. No. 2: 96-112. MARSHALL, VICTOR W. A Critique of Canadian Aging and Health Policy. No. I: 153-65. Revue d'etudes canadiennes Vol. 29. No. I (Prinremps 1994 Spring) MARSHALL, VICTOR W. and BARRY D. MCPHERSON. Aging: Canadian Perspectives (introduction). No. I: 3-13. MARTIN-MATIHEWS, ANNE and ALUN E. JOSEPH. Growing Old in Aging Communities . No. 1: 14-29. MCDANIEL, SUSAN A. and ELLEN M. GEE. Social Policy for an Aging Society. No. I: 139-52. MCDONALD, LYNN and MERVIN Y.T. CHEN. The Youth Freeze and the Retirement Bulge: Older Workers and the Impending Labo11r Shortage. No. I: 75101 . MCPHERSON, BARRY D. and VICTOR W. MARSHALL. Aging: Canadian Perspectives (introduction). No. I: 3-13. MELLON, HUGH. The State of Democratic Socialism in Canada: Right T11rn on the Road? (review article). No. 2: 159-66. MITCHELL, TOM. "Blood With the Taint of Cain": Immigrant Labo11ring Children, Manitoba Politics, and the ExeC11tion of Hilda Blake. No. 4: 49-71. MOSS, JOHN. The Cartography of Dreams (Point-Counterpoint). No. 3: 140-58. O'NEILL, PATRICK B . The Impact of Copyright Legislation Upon the P11blication of Sheet M11sic in Canada, Prior to 1924. No. 3: 105-22. OUELLETTE, PIERRE. Le loisir des afnes et ainees d11 No11vea11-Br11nswick. No. I: 10221 . PETERMAN, MICHAEL. J11st a Min11te of Yo11r Time (editorial). No. 2: 3-4, 173. ----·Fifteen Years Later (editorial). No. 4: 3-4, 181. ROBINSON, DANIEL. Planning for the "Most Serio11s Contingency": Alien Internment, Arbitrary Detention, and the Canadian State 1938-39. No. 2: 5-20. ROSENTHAL, CAROLYN J. and JAMES GLADSTONE. Family Relationships and S11pport in Later Life. No. I: 122-38. SANGSTER, JOAN. The Legal and Medical Regulation of Nineteenth Century Women (review article). No. 1: 199-207. SENG HOE, BAN. Expanding the Frontier of Asian-Canadian Research: A Comparative Review of Three Studies (review article). No. 4: 170-75. SHAPIRO, EVELYN and FRANl'.;OIS BELAND. Dix provinces appellent de leurs voeux la meme politique de services de longue duree. No. 1: 166-91. STEVENS, J. DAYID. The Gypsies ofShadow Point: Meg Merriles , Murray Lees, and La11re11ce's The Stone Angel. No. 4: 88-101. WHITE, GRAHAM. Northern Distinctiveness, Representation by Population and the Charter: The Politics of Redistriblllion in the Northwest Territories. No. 3: 5-28. Journal ofCanadian Studies WISTER, ANDREW and VERENA HALDEMANN. Environment and Aging. No. I: 30-44. TITLES/ARTICLES A Critique of Canadian Aging and Health Policy. Victor W. Marshall. No. I: 153-65. Aging: Canadian Perspectives (introduction). Victor W. Marshall and Barry D. McPherson. No. 1: 3-13. Anthropology in the Service of the State: Diamond Jenness and Canadian Indian Policy. Peter Kulchyski. No. 2: 21-50. "Blood With the Taint of Cain": Immigrant Labouring Children, Manitoba Politics, and the ExeC11tion of Hilda Blake. Tom Mitchell. No. 4: 49-71. Canada's "G11lag": Project #51 Lac Seu/ (A Tale From the Great Depression). Laurel Sefton MacDowell. No. 2: 130-58. The Cartography of Dreams (PointCounterpoint ). John Moss. No. 3: 140-58. Dix provinces appellem de le11rs voeux la meme politiq11e de services de long11e d11ree. Fran~ois B~land and Evelyn Shapiro. No. 1: 166-91. An English, Protestant, Upper-Class Feminist on the Grand To11r: Elizabeth Smith Shor/I in Great Britain and E11rope. 1911. Peter E. Paul Dembski. No. 4: 72-87. Environment and Aging. Verena Haldemann and Andrew Wister. No. 1: 30-44. Expanding the Frontier of Asian-Canadian Research: A Comparative Review of Three S111dies (review article). Bang Seng Hoe. No. 4: 170-75. Family Relationships and S11pport in Later Life. Carolyn J. Rosenthal and James Gladstone. No. 1: 122-38. Fear of Flying? The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Canadian C11l111re. Eva-Marie Kroller. No. 4: 102-16. Fifteen Years Later (editorial). Michael A. Peterman. No. 4: 3-4, 181. Growing Old in Aging Comm11nities. Alun E. Joseph and Anne Martin-Matthews. No. I: 14-29. The Gypsies of Shadow Point: Meg Merriles, Murray Lees, and Laurence's The Stone Angel. J. David Stevens. No. 4: 88-101. Hockey Diplomacy and Canadian Foreign Policy. Donald Macintosh and Donna Greenhorn. No. 2: 96-112. The Immigrant as Writer: Cultural Resistance and Conformity in Josef Skvorecky's The Engineer of Human Souls and Raymond Federman's Take It or Leave It. Eva C. Karpinski. No. 3: 92-104. The Impact of Copyright Legislation Upon the Publication ofSheet Music in Canada, Prior to 1924. Patrick B. O'Neill. No. 3: 105-22. 177 fllcrementalism and H11man Rights Reform. Brian R. Howe. No. 3: 29-44. J11st a Minute of Your Time (editorial). Michael Peterman. No. 2: 3-4, 173. Latitude Rising: Historical Contin11ity in Canadiall Nordicity (Point-Counterpoint). David Heinimann. No. 3: 134-39. The Legal and Medical Reg11/ation of Nilleteellth Century Women (review article). Joan Sangster. No. 1:·199-207. Light alld Shadows: Canadian Capitalists in LAtin America and the Caribbean (review anicle). John Lutz. No. I : 192-97. Le loisir des aines er ainees du Nouvea11Brunswick . Pierre Ouellette. No. I: I02-21. L.M. Montgomery' s Anne of Green Gables: The Japallese Connecrioll. Douglas Baldwin. No. 3: 123-33. Mappillg rile Social: Notes from Jacob Keefer's Educational Tours, 1845. Bruce Cunis. No. 2: 51-68. Native People and rile Tourist l nd11s1ry in Nilleteenth-Century 0111ario. Patricia Jasen. No. 4: 5-27. Northern Disrinctivelless. Represenrarioll by Pop11/atioll and tire Charter: Tire Politics of Redistrib111ioll ill tire Northwest Territories. Graham White. No. 3: 5-28. Plannillg for the "Most Serious Co111ingency": Alien llllernment, Arbitrary Detentioll, alld tire Calladiall Stare 1938-39. Daniel Robinson. No. 2: 5-20. Tire Politics of Mu:zling "Lucifer' s Represenrative": Godfray LA11glois's Test ofWilfrid LA11rier's Liberalism, 1892-1920. P.A. Dutil. No. 2: 113-29. Pop11/atio11 Aging in the Canadian Labo11r Force: Changes and Challenges. David K. Foot and Kevin J. Gibson. No. I: 59-74. Present at tire Creation: Johll Richardson and Souwesto. Dennis Duffy. No. 3: 75-91. Race, Gender alld Canadian Immigration Policy: Blacks From the Caribbean, 19001932 . Agnes Calliste. No. 4: 131-48. Ra111ea11 de Saint-Pere, Moise de l'Acadie? P.D. Clarke. No. 2: 69-95. A "Rare and Unusual Trear of Historical Significance": The 1923 Hector Celebration and tire Political Economy oftire Past. Michael Boudreau. No. 4: 28-48. Ill Sicklless alld ill Health: State Formatioll, Moral Reg11/atioll, and Early VD Initiatives in Ontario. Mary Louise Adams. No. 4: 117-30. Significant Others (Point-Counterpoint). Timothy Findley. No. 4: 149-59. Social Policy for Oil Agillg Society. Ellen M. Gee and Susan A. McDaniel. No. I: 13952 . The State of Democratic Socialism in Canada: Right T11rn on the Road? (review anicle). Hugh Mellon. No. 2: 159-66. 178 Technology and Aging. Neena L. Chappell. No. I: 45-58. Uinaslrk• (la marmotte commune). Daniel Clement. No. 3: 62-74. "A Vision Beyond Reach": Some Recent Atla111ic Canadian St11dies (review article). W.G. Godfrey. No. 4: 160-69. Was tire Quebec Government Spending So Little?: A Comparison With 0111ario, 18671969 . Ruth Dupre. No. 3: 45-61. Wishing and Hoping: The 1993 Federal Election (editorial). Roben M. Campbell. No. 3: 3-4, 184-5. Women and the History of their Work in Canada: Some Recent Books (review article). Bettina Bradbury. No. 3: 159-78. The Youth Freeze and the Retireme/l/ B11/ge: Older Workers and the /111pending lAbour Shortage. Lynn McDonald and Mervin Y.T.Chen.No. 1:75-101. BOOKS REVIEWED/LIVRES RECENSES ANDERSON, KAREN. Chain Her By One Foot: the Subjugation of Women in 17tlr Ce11111ry New France. No. 3: 159-78. ARMSTRONG. CHRISTOPHER and H.V. NELLES. Southern Exposure: Canadian Pro111oters in Latin America and the Caribbean. No. I: 192-97. BACKHOUSE, CONSTANCE. Petticoats and Prejudices: Womell and lAw in Nineteelllh Century Canada. No. I: 199-207, No. 3: 159-78. BAILLARGEON, DENYSE. Menageres Au Temps De LA Crise. No. 3: 159-78. BROUWER, RUTH. New Women for God: Calladian Presbyteriall Women and India Missiolls, 1876-1914. No. 3: 159-78. BURRILL, GARY. Away. Maritimers in Massacl111setts , Ontario and Alberta: All Oral History ofleaving Home. No. 4: 160-69. CHUNN, DOROTHY. From Punishment to Doing Good: Family Courts and Socialized Justice in Ontario, 1880-1940. No. 1: 199-207. CONRAD, MARGARET, ed. Making Adjustme111s : Change and Continuity in Planter No1•a Scotia, 1759-1800. No. 4: 160-69. DRACHE, DANIEL, ed. Gelling on Track: Social Democratic Strategies for 0111ario. No. 2: 159-66. FORBES, E.R. and D.A. Muise, eds. Tire Atlantic Provinces in Confederation. No. 4: 160-69. FRAGER. RUTH. Sweatshop Strife: Class, Etlrllicity And Gellder in tire Jewish lAbour Moveme/I/ ofToronto. No. 3: 159-78. GAGAN, ROSEMARY. A Sensitive Independence : Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925. No. 3: 159-78. Revue d' etudes canadiennes GILLAN MUIR, ELlZABETH. Pe11icoa1s in the Pulpit: Early Nineteenth Century Methodist Preachers in Upper Callada. No. 3: 159-78. GRIFFIN COHEN, MARJORIE. Women's Work, Markers alld Ecollomic Developme111 in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. No. 3: 15978 . HEAPS, LEO, ed. Our Canada: Tile Story of the New Democratic Parry Yesterday, Today alldTomorrow. No. 2: 159-66. HORNSBY, STEPHEN J. Nineteenth-Century Cape Breton: A Historical Geography. No. 4: 160-69. HOUSTON, SUSAN and Alison Prentice. Schooling and Scholars in NilleteenrhCentury Ontario. No. 3: 159-78. IACOVETTA, FRANCA. Such Hardworking People: Women, Men and the Italian Immigrant Experience in Post-War Toronto. No. 3: 159-78. KJNNEAR, MARY. Margaret McWilliams, An Inter-war Feminist. No. I: 199-207. LEESON , HOWARD. Grant Norley: The Social Consciellce for Alberta. No. 2: 15966 . LEVESQUE, ANDRE. la Norme er Les Devianres. Des Femmes Au Quebec Pendant l' Enrre Deux Guerres. No. 3: 159-78. LI, PETER S. The Chillese ill Callada. No. 4: 170-75. LINDSTROM-BEST, VARPU. Defiant Sisters: A Social History of Fillnish Immigrant Women in Callada. No. 3: 159-78. MACKINNON-POTTER, JANICE. While the Women Only Wept: loyalist Refugee Women in Eastern Ontario. No. 3: 159-78. MCDOWALL, DUNCAN. Tile light: Brazilian Traction, light alld Power Company limited, 1899-1945. No. I: 192-97. MCFARLANE, PETER. Northern Shadows: Caruidialls in Ce111ral America. No. I: 192-97. MELNYK, OLENKA. No Bankers in Heavell: Remembering the CCF. No. 2: 159-66. Journal ofCanadian Studies MILLS, ALLEN. Fool for Christ: The Political Thought of J.S. Woodsworrh. No. 2: 15966 . MITCHINSON, WENDY. The Nature ofTheir Bodies: Women alld Their Doctors ill Victorian Canada. No. I: 199-207. PARR, JOY. The Gender of Breadwillners: Women, Men and Change in Two Industrial Towns. 1880-1950. No. 3: 159-78. RICHARDS, JOHN, Robert D. Cairns and Larry Pratt, eds. Social Democracy Wirhour Jllusiolls: Rellewal of the Calladian left. No. 2: 159-66. ROACH PIERSON, RUTH. "They're Still Women After All." No. 3: 159-78. ROMPKEY, RONALD. Grenfell of Labrador: A Biography. No. 4: 160-69. ROSENBLUM, SIMON and Peter Findlay, eds. Debating Canada's Future: Views From the left. No. 2: 159-66. ROY, PATRICIA E. A White Man's Province: British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese lmmigralllS. No. 4: 170-75. SANDBERG, L. ANDERS, ed. Trouble in the Woods: Forest Policy and Social Collflicr in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. No. 4: 160-69. SANGSTER, JOAN. Dreams of Equality: Women on the Canadiall Left. No. 3: 15978 . STRONG-BOAG, VERONICA. The New Day Recalled. The lives a/Girls and Women ill English Canada, 1919-1939. No. 3: 159-78. SWYRIPA, FRANCES. Wedded to the Cause: Ukrainian-Canadian Women and Ethnic Identity. No. 3: 159-78. VALVERDE, MARIANA. The Age of light, Soap alld Water: Moral Ref orm ill English Callada, 1885-1925. No. 3: 159-78. WHITEHORN, ALAN. Calladian Socialism: Essays on the CCF-NDP. No. 2: 159-66. WRIGHT, RICHARD T. In a Strange lalld: A Pictorial Record ofrlze Chinese ill Callada. No. 4: 170-75. 179 ...

