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CONTRIBUTORS Andrew P. Debicki is University Distinguished Professor of Spanish at the University of Kansas, where he has taught since 1968, and also served as Dean of the Graduate School from 1993 to 2000. He has published numerous articles, several editions, and eight books of criticism on contemporary Hispanic poetry. His most recent book is Spanish Poetry of the Twentieth Century: Modernity and Beyond. Professor Debicki has held fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, Guggenheim, National Endowment for the Humanities, and National Humanities Center, and was granted an award in 1999 from the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (MLA) for distinguished service to the profession. Edward Dudley is Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature (ret.) at the State University of New York at Buffalo. His most recent book, The Endless Text: Don Quixote and the Hermeneutics of Romance (State U of New York P, 1997), received an “Outstanding Academic Book Award” from Choice magazine. The present article, “Beyond Petrarch: Garcilaso’s Thoroughly Modern Galatea,” is part of an on-going book entitled The Aesthetics of Power: The Galatea Icon in Raphael, Garcilaso, Cervantes and Góngora, and was presented in shorter form at the 2001 SRBHP conference at Ohio State University. His initial Galatea publication (Calíope [1995]: 1.1-2) explicates the connections between Raphael’s Il Trionfo di Galatea and the Galateas of Garcilaso and Cervantes. A contingent article, which utilizes Kristeva’s concept of intertextuality in Garcilaso and Cervantes’s evocations of the Galatea icon, is included in an homenaje dedicated to Ciriaco Morón Arroyo (Ed. Francisco La Rubia-Prado, Juan de la Cuesta, 2003). The problematics of myth and literature form the focus of both his Endless Text book and an earlier study, The Wild Man Within (U of Pittsburgh P, 1973), which he co-edited. epdudley@verizon net. Aurora Hermida-Ruiz (Ph.D. University of Virginia) is Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Richmond (Virginia). Her research interests are Renaissance poetry and Spanish literary historiography, with a particular focus on periodization and canon formation. She has published on cancionero poetry and Garcilaso, as well as on the work of some influential literary critics and historians, such as Rafael Lapesa (Calíope 5.2) and José Antonio Maravall. Her current book project analyzes the critical construction of Garcilaso in contemporary Spanish historiography, arguing that Garcilaso has come to symbolize European progress and modernity, and, as such, has been a powerful agent of cultural and political identity in Spain. CALÍOPE Vol. 10, No. 1 (2004): pages 163-164 164 Contributors D D D D D Mar Martínez Góngora (Ph.D. University of Virginia, 1997), from Madrid, is Assistant Professor of Spanish in The School of World Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is the author of Discursos sobre la mujer en el humanismo renacentista español. Los casos de Antonio de Guevara, Alfonso y Juan de Valdés y Luis de León (1999), and has published a dozen articles on early modern poetry and prose. Currently, she is finishing a book-length essay of the construction of early modern masculinities and the production of ethnic difference in the context of imperial politics. Inoria Pepe Sarno es catedrática de literatura española en la Universidad de Roma III. Ha publicado una edición de los sonetos de Álvar Gómez de Castro (1979) y otra de Fernando de Herrera (2001), con textos en español y traducciones al italiano. Editó la colección de trabajos Dialogo: studi in onore di Lore Terracini (1990) y, en colaboración con José María Reyes, la reciente edición de las Anotaciones de Herrera (Cátedra, 2001). Además de artículos en revistas como Istmo, Studi Ispanici, Strumenti critici, acaba de publicar Garcilaso y Herrera. Vocabulario, frecuencias y concordancias de las Anotaciones a la poesía de Garcilaso (libro + CD, 2004). Está por a salir su edición de las Flores de poetas ilustres, dePedroEspinosa, en colaboración con José aría Reyes. Ignacio Navarrete is Associate Professor of Spanish literature at the University of California, Berkeley. He is...

