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New Books Biography Peyser, Joseph L., ed. and trans. Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre: Officer, Gentleman, Entrepreneur. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1996. 336 pp. $39.95 US cloth. Roberts, Barbara. A Reconstructed World: A Feminist Biography of Gertrude Richardson. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. 387 pp. $55.00 cloth. Communities and Regions Condon, Richard with Julia Ogina and the Holman Elders. The Northern Copper Inuit: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 2 16 pp. $45.00 cloth. Gibbons, Roger and Sonia Arrison. Western Visions: Perspectives on the West in Canada. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1995. 153 pp. $16.95 paper. Regehr, T.D. Mennonites in Canada, 19391970 : A People Transformed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 563 pp. $29.95 cloth. Culture and Communications Dorland, Michael, ed. The Cultural Industries in Canada: Problems, Policies and Prospects. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1996. 376 pp. $24.95 paper. Economics Howitt, Peter, ed. The Implications of Knowledge-Based Growth for MicroEconomic Policies. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1996. 491 pp. $38.95 paper. McKay, Ian, ed. For a Working Class Culture in Canada: A Selection ofColin McKay's Writings on Sociology and Political Economy, 1897-1939. St. John's: Canadian Committee on Labour History, 1996. 615 pp. $29.95 paper. Journal ofCanadian Studies Vol. 31, No. 3 (Alllomne 1996 Fall) Sabatini, E. (Rico) with Sandra Nightingale . Welfare - No Fair: A Critical Analysis of Ontario's Welfare System, 1985-1994. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1996. 292 pp. Workman, Thom. Banking on Deception: The Discourse ofFiscal Crisis. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1996. 93 pp. $12.95 paper. Health McArthur, William, Cynthia Ramsay and Michael Walker, ed. Healthy Incentives: Canadian Health Reform in an International Context. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1996. 199 pp. History English, AUan D. The Cream ofthe Crop: Canadian Aircrew, 1939-1945. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. 239 pp. $29.95 cloth. Johnston, A.J.B. Life and Religion at Louisburg, 1713-1758. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. 227 pp. $19.95 paper. Marks, Lynne. Revivals and Roller Rinks: Religion, Leisure and Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century Small-Town Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1996. 330 pp. Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996. 473 pp. $20.00 US paper. Stardom, Eleanor. A Stranger to the Fur Trade: Joseph Wrigley and the Transformation of the Hudson 'S Bay Company, 1884-1891. Winnipeg: Rupert's Land Research Centre, 1996. 109 pp. $30.00 paper. Thomas, Morley. Forecasts for Flying: Meteorology in Canada, 1918-1939. Toronto: ECW Press, 1996. 200 pp. $14.95 paper. Zuehlke, Mark. The Gallant Cause: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939. Vancouver: Whitecap Books, 1996. 296 pp. $26.95 cloth. 203 Literary Criticism Beaucage, Christian. Le Theiltre aQuebec Au Debut du XX' Siecle: Une Epoque Flamboyante! Quebec: Nuit Blanche Editeur, 1996. 321 pp. $24.95 paper. Boivin, Aurelien. Pour une Lecture du Roman Quebecois de Maria Chapdelaine aVolkswagen Blues. Quebec: Nuit Blanche Editeur, 1996. 370 pp. $23.95 paper. Brisset, Annie. A Sociocritique of Translation: Theatre and Alterity in Quebec, 1968-1988, trans. Rosalind Gill and Peter Gannon. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 238 pp. $45.00 cloth. Murray, Heather. Working in English: History, Institution, Resources. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 253 pp. $45.00 cloth, $16.95 paper. Politics Doem, G. Bruce, Leslie A. Pal and Brian W. Tomlin. Border Crossings: 11re Intemationaliz .ation of Canadian Public Policy. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996. 301 pp. $24.95 paper. 204 Dunn, Chris, ed. Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1996. 53I pp. $31.95 paper. Roberts. Alasdair. So-Called Experts: How American Consultants Remade the Canadian Civil Service, 1918-21. Toronto: The Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1996. 106 pp. $18.00 paper. Race, Ethnicity and Gender Driedger, Leo. Multi-Ethnic Canada: Identities and Inequalities. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996. 352 pp. $29.95 paper. Marchak, M. Patricia. Racism, Sexism and the University: The Political Science Affair at the University of British Columbia Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. 171 pp. $42.95 cloth, $16.95 paper. Muszynski, Alicja...

