In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

262 Annual Index Annuel Annual Index Annuel Volume 34, 1999 • 2000 Authors I Collaborateurs ANDREW, EDWARD. Who Profits From Grinie? (review). No. 1: 184-200. ARAT-KOC, SEDEF. Neo-Liberalisn1, State Restructuring and I11u11igratio11: Cl1a11ges in Canadian Politics in tl1e 1990s. No. 2: 31-56. AZZI, STEPHEN. Intuitive Nationalist Walter Gordon as Thinker. No. 4: 121-35. BADGLEY, KERRY. Ontario~ Tntly Yours to Discover (review). No. 4: 168-78. BEHEILS, MICHAEL D. Canadian Tllinkers in tlze 20tlz Century (Introduction). No. 4: 9-14. BELLAMY, MATTHEW J. Understanding Canada: Tlirouglz the Pris111 of Co11te111porary Eco110111ic T/Io11gl1t (review). No. 1: 213-24. BICKERTON, JAMES. Refonning Health Care Governance: The Case ofNova Scotia. No. 2: 159-90. BRADFORD, NEIL Writing Public PllUosophy: Canada's Royal Co111n1issio11 on Everytl1i11g. No. 4: 136-67. CAMPBELL, ROBERT M. Enduring Canadian Questions in the Globalized E11viro11111e11t (editorial). No. 1: 5-7. --. A Nelv Canadian Public Philosophy for the 21st Century. No. 3: 5-6. CARROLL, BARBARA WAKE. The Question of Changing Moral and Etl1ical Standards in Canadian Political Life (PointCounterpoint ). No. 1: 201-12. CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM. Canada's Fate: Principal Grant, Sir George Parkin and George Grant. No. 4: 88-104. DJWA, SANDRA. "Nothing By Halves": F.R. Scott No. 4: 52-69. DRODGE, SUSAN. Representations of Maritilne Cultures and Tl1eories: A Revil'W Essay (review). No. 2: 215-23. EVENDEN, MATTHEW. The Nortl1en1 Vision ofHarold Innis. No. 3: 162-86. FIAMENGO, JANICE. A Legacy of A111bivale11ce: Responses to Nellie McClu11g. No. 4: 70-87. GLEASON, MONA. E111bodied Negotiations: Clii/dren's Bodies and Historical Clzange in Canada, 1930to1960. No. 1: 112-38. GREER, ALLAN. Historical Roots ofCanadian Den1ocracy. No. 1: 7-26. GROVER, RACHEL Michael Andrews Farrar: Pioneer Artist and Clergy111an. No. 3: 134-61. HORN, MICHIEL. Tenure and tile Canadian Professoriate (Point-Counterpoint). No. 3: 261-81. HULAN, RENEE and LINDA WARLEY. Cultural Literacy, First Nations and t/Je Future ofCanadian Literary Studies. No. 3: 59-86. HYMAN, ROGER. Writing AgainstKnowing, Writing Against Certainty; or Wllat~ Really Under the Veranda in Jacques Poulin~ Volkswagen Blues. No. 3: 106-33. JONES, PRESTON. Towards a Study oft/1e Bible in Canadian Public Life (PointCounterpoint ). No. I: 161-71. · - · · - -------~-----------Journal of Canadian Studies • Revue d'etudes canadiennes KUHLBERG, MARK. 'We Have 'Sold' Forestry to the Ma11agen1e11tofthe Co1npany": Abitibi Power and Paper Co1npany's Forestry Initiatives in Ontario, 1919-1929. No. 3: 187-210. LIGHTBODY, JAMES. Finding the Trolls Under Your Bridge: Tlte New Case for Overt Partisanship in Canadian City Politics (Point-Counterpoint). No. 1: 172- 83. LITTLE, MARGARET HILLYARD and IAN MORRISON. The "Pecker Detectors" Are Back: Regulation ofthe Fan1ily Fonn in Ontario Welfare Policy. No. 2: 110-36. LONG, DOUGLAS. Northrop Frye: Liberal Humanis1n and tile Critique ofIdeology. No. 4: 27-51. MACDONALD, MARTHA. Restructuring, Gender and Social Security Refonn in Canada. No. 2: 57-88. MACFARLANE, JOHN. Double Vision: Ernest Lapointe, Mackenzie King and the Quebec Voice in Canadian Foreign Poli~ 1935-1939. No. I: 93-111. MACLAREN, 1.S. Cultured Wildeniess in fasper National Park. No. 3: 7-58. MAYSON, MELODIE. Ontario Works and Single Mothers: Redefining«Deservedness" and tlze Social Contract. No. 2: 89-109. McBRIDE, STEPHEN. Towards Pennanent Insecurity: The Social Itnpact of U11e1nployme11t. No. 2: 13-30. McDANIEL, SUSAN A. Untangling Love and Don1ination: Challenge ofHome Care for the Elderly in a Reconstructing Canada. No. 2: 191-214. MIEDEMA, GARY. For Canada's Sake: Tlze Centennial Celebrations of1967, State Legiti,nation and The Restrncturing of Canadian Public Life. No. 1: 139-60. NEILL, ROBIN. Econon1ic Historiography in tl1e 1950s: The Saskatchewan School. No. 3: 243-60. O'GRADY, JEAN. The Poetic Frye. No. 4: 15-26. PATTEN, STEVE. The Refonn Party's Re-in1agining ofthe Canadian Nation. No. !: 27-51. PRENTICE, SUSAN. Less, Worse and More Expensive: Childcare in an Era ofDeficit Reduction. No. 2: 137-58. QUINEY, LINDA. 'Tradition and Transfonnation": Recent Scholarship in Canadian Nursing History (review). No. 3: 282-91. ROPER, PAM. The Litnits ofLaissez-innover: Canada's Auto,nation Controversy, 1955-1969. No. 3: 134-61. SHEWELL, HUGH. fules Sioui and Indian Political Radicalis,n in Canada, 19431944 . No. 3: 211-42. SIMPSON, ERIKA. The Prindples ofLiberal J11ten1ationalis1n According to Lester Pearson. No. 1: 75-92...

