In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

204 Annual Index Annual Index Annuel Volume 35 • 2000 2001 Authors • Collaborateurs ABU-LABAN, YASMEEN. The Future and the Legacy: Globalization and the Canadian Settler-State. No. 4: 262-76. AKIWENZIE-DAMM, KATERI. Witilo11t Reservation: Erotica, Indigenous Style. No. 4: 97-105. ALEXANDER, CYNTHIA j. Wiring tile Nation! Including First Natio11s? Aboriginal Canadians and Federal eGoven11ne11t Initiatives. No. 4: 277-96. ANDREW, CAROLINE. Tile Silame of (Ignoring) the Cities. No. 4: 100-110. ANGUS, IAN. Locality and Universalization. No. 3: 15-33. ARSENEAU, THERESE, ROBERT M. CAMPBELL and A. BRIAN TANGUAY. Refonning Canada's Political Institutions in the Twenty-First Century (Introduction). No. 4: 5-23. BAKVIS, HERMAN. Prinw Minister and Cab;,1et in Canada: An Autocracy in Need ofReform? No. 4: 60-79. BASHEVKIN, SYLVIA. In tlie Siladow ofPree Trade: Nationalis111, Fe111inis1n and Identity Politics in Conte111porary Eng/is/I Canada. No. 2: 109-28. BROCK, KATHY L. State, Society and the Third Sector: Cl1angi11g to Meet New Cilallenges. No. 4: 203-20. CAMERON, CHRISTINA. TileSpiritofPlace: Tl1e Physical Me111ory ofCa11ada. No. 1: 77-95. CAMPBELL, ROBERT M. Canadian Studies at the MU/e11nit11n: The foun1ey Continues. No. 1: 5-27. CARTY, R. KENNETH, WILLIAM CROSS and LISA YOUNG. Canadian Party Politics in the New Century. No. 4: 23-39. CLARKE, GEORGE ELLIOTT. Hanis, Pili/ip, Brand: Three Autl1ours in Searcl1 of Literate Criticis1n. No. 1: 161-90. CLARKE, GEORGE ELLIOTT and LINDA HUTCHEON. Opera in Canada: A Conversation. No. 3: 184-99. CONOLLY, L.W. The Scholar and tl1e Theatre. No. 3: 150-62. COOPER, ANDREW F. Vertical Li111its: A Foreign Ministry oftl1e Future. No. 4: 111- 29. CREAN, SUSAN. Looking Back To the Future - Creators and Cultural Policy in the Era ofFree Trade: A Co111111entary. No. 3: 199-212. DE SE.VE, MICHELINE. Wo1ne11's National and Gendered Identity: The Case of Canada. No. 2: 61-80. DEN TOONDER, JEANETTE. Pluriculhtralis111e du Qutbec: la voix des auteurs allophones. No. 3: 105-20. DHRUVARAJAN, VANAJA. People ofColour and National Identity in Canada. No. 2: 166-76. DOBROWOLSKY ALEXANDRA. I11ter.;ecti11g Identities and Inclusive Institutions: Wo111e11 and a Future Transfonnative Politics. No. 4: 240-61. Volume 36 • No. 1 • (Printemps 2001 Spring) Journal of Canadian Studies • Revue d'etudes canadiennes DUMONT, MICHELINE. Can National History Include a Fe111inist Reflection 011 History? No. 2: 80-95. DYCK, RAND. Recent Work 011 Canadian Political lnstihttions (review). No. 1: 239-53. HIEBERT, JANET L. A Relational Approach to Constitutional Interpretation: Sllared Legislative and Judicial Responsibilities. No. 4: 161-81. HULAN, RENEE. Cultural Contexts for tlze Reception ofMarilyn D11111011t's A Really Good Brown Girl. No. 3: 73-97. KEEBLE, EDNA and HEATHER SMITH. Institutions, Ideas, Wo111en and Gender: New Directions in Canadian Foreign Policy. No. 4: 130-141. LADN~R, KIERA L. Won1en and Blackfoot Nationafis111. No. 2: 35-61. MA, MICHAEL. "Higl1 Octane Kung Fu Action": Exa111ining Radalization in Tile 2nd Toronto Reel Asian !11ten1ational Fibn Festival and Fantasia '98: Toronto Festival. No. 3: 138-50. MAILLE, CHANTAL. Quebec Wo1ne11 and the Constitutional Issue: A Scattered Group. No. 2: 95-109. MARSHALL, DAVID. Out ofthe Cloister but Still on the Margins? Recent Publications in Canadian Religious History (review). No. 3: 292-306. MAVRIKAKIS, CATHERINE. Politiques culturelles de la visibilitf ou con11ne11t le spectre des classes socia/es vient encore l1a11ter le spectacle du n111lticultrel. No. 3: 33-43. MIKI, ROY. Altered States: Global Currents, tlie Spectral Nation and tile Question of "Asian Canadian." No. 3: 43-73. NEUFELD, JAMES. /a111es Kudelka: Extending Ballet's Language. No. 3: 162-73. NIEDZVIECKI, HAL. Fear and Loathing 011 tl1e Granting Trail: Canadian Art Versus Canadian Bureaucracy. No. 3: 251-62. NOSSAL, KIM RICHARD. Ho111e-Grow11 JR: Tire Canadianization ofInternational Relations. No. 1: 95-114. PADOLSKY, ENOCH. Multic11lturalisn1 at the Mille1111i111n. No. 1: 138-61. PARNIS, DEBORAH. Tuning in tile Future: Digital Technology and Co111111ercia/ Radio Broadcasting in Canada. No. 3: 231-51. PATTEN, STEVE. Den1ocratizi11g the Institutions ofPolicy-1naking: De111ocratic Consultation and Participatory Ad111i11istratio11. No. 4: 221-39. PEVERE, GEOFF. Requie111 for a Nortl1er11 Drea1n: On Canada, Pop Culture and a Gzu1sli11ger's Sunset. No. 3: 262-68. PHILLIPS, SUSAN D. More Than Stakeholders: Refonning State-Voluntary Sector Relations. No. 4: 182-202. PRINCE, MICHAEL...

