In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

S T U D I E S I N H O N O R O F D A N I E L L. H E I P L E Tof commemorate his name and love of Spanish Uterature and culture, a special issue of Caliope, scheduled for pubUcation FaU 2000, wUl be dedicated to our coUeagiie and SRBHPboard member Daniel L. Heiple, who passed away on August 10,1999. CoUaborators in this issue—open genre— include: Frederick de Armas, Bernard Bentley, Elizabeth Boyce, Dian Fox, Edward Friedman, Charles Ganelin, Olympia Gonzalez, Margaret R. Greer, JuUan OUvares, Charles Oriel, James Parr, EUas Rivers,Joseph Snow, Matthew Stroud, Harry Velez-Quihones, Christopher Weimer. Caliope requests contributions in the amount of $25, by September 30, 2000, for the Tabula in memoriam. Contributors wiU receive a copy of this special issue. Please send contributions to: Olympia Gonzalez, Treas. SRBHP Modern Languages & Literatures Loyola University-Chicago 6525 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago IL 60626«5 t* CALIOPE Vol. 5, No. 2 (1999): page 109 ...

