
In this book discussion, author Mark Bartholomew and critics join to discuss Bartholomew's book Adcreep: The Case Against Modern Marketing (Stanford Law Books, 2017). The conversation focuses on the social consequences of advertising creeping into nearly all facets of everyday life, including spaces previously forbidden to advertising, such as national parks and public schools. The talk assesses the book's arguments about the ubiquity of advertising through evolving regulations and laws that have encouraged advertising to expand its reach and power, often unbeknown to members of society. Participants voiced concerns about the rise of corporate free speech, the broad perception that corporations know what is best for consumers, the idea that consumers can effectively navigate their rights on their own, and the acceptance of a culture of self-promotion and commoditized identities. In the end, the participants agreed that advertising's reach into formerly non-commercialized social spaces is problematic and needs serious attention, especially as advertisers' tools of persuasion become more sophisticated. Calls are made for local collective action, increased media and advertising literacy, and more checks and balances on advertising.
