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COLABORADORES María Soledad Barbón (Ph.D. University of Cologne, Germany) is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she teaches colonial Latin American literature and culture. Along with various articles on eighteenth-century Peruvian literature and cultural history, she has published a monograph on late colonial satire entitled Peruanische Satire am Vorabend der Unabhängigkeit (1770-1800) (Droz, 2001). She is currently working on a book project that studies monarchical celebrations in Bourbon Lima. Raquel Chang-Rodríguez (Ph.D., New York University), is Distinguished Professor of Hispanic literature and culture at The Graduate Center and The City College of the City University of New York (CUNY). Among her recent editions and books are: a modernized and annotated edition of the poetry by Clarinda and Amarilis(PUCP,2009);“Aquí,ninfasdelsur,venidligeras”.Voces poéticas virreinales (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2008); and La palabra y la pluma en “Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno” (PUCP, 2005). ChangRodr íguez is the founding editor of the interdisciplinary journal Colonial Latin American Review and was the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship (NEH). She is Profesora Honoraria of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and Miembro Correspondiente of the Peruvian Academy of the Spanish Language. Verónica Grossi, Associate Professor de Literatura Latinoamericana en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, sede Greensboro, es autora de Sigilosos v(u)elos epistemológicos en Sor Juana Inés de al Cruz (Vervuert-Iberoamericana, 2007) y editora de Escrito en México de Enrique Fierro (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1999). Ha publicado ensayos sobre poesía del Siglo de Oro y escritores latinoamericanos del siglo XX en revistas especializadas de Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, México y Uruguay. Actualmente forma parte del CALÍOPE Vol.16, No. 1, 2010: pages 219-222 Colaboradores 220 Consejo Editorial de Luvina, Revista Literaria de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Antonio Lorente Medina, Catedrático de Literatura Hispanoamericana de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Madrid), ha sido conferenciante invitado en numerosas universidades americanas, europeas y españolas. Entre su más de un centenar de publicaciones se encuentran los libros La narrativa menor de Jorge Icaza (1980), Ensayos de literatura andina (1993), Hombre y Dios en la poesía hispanoamericana del siglo XX (1996), La prosa de Sigüenza y Góngora y la formación de la conciencia criolla mexicana(1996), y las ediciones críticas de El lazarillo de ciegos caminantes (1981, 1985), Rimas de E. Echeverría (1984), Raza de bronce. Wuata Wuara (1988), La sombra del caudillo (2002), Poesía virreinal hispanoamericana (2002) y Oriental Planeta Evangélico (2008). En la actualidad tiene en prensa su edición de las Obras completas de Sigüenza y Góngora. Frederick Luciani is Professor of Spanish at Colgate University. He is author of Literary Self-Fashioning in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Bucknell University Presses, 2004) and of numerous articles on Latin American literature, especially of the colonial period. He has served as General Editor of Colonial Latin American Review since 2003. He is currently preparing an edition of a convent festejo titled Relación del festejo que a los marqueses de las Amarillas les hicieron las señoras religiosas del convento de San Jerónimo (México, 1756). Raúl Marrero-Fente is Associate Professor of Spanish and Law at the University of Minnesota, where he teaches Colonial Latin American Literature, Transatlantic Studies, and Human Rights. Among his recent books and editions are: Silvestre de Balboa, Espejo de paciencia (Cátedra, 2010), Epic, Empire and Community in the Atlantic World(Bucknell UP, 2008), Poéticas de la restitución. Literatura y culturaenHispanoaméricacolonial(JuandelaCuesta,2005),Perspectivas transatlánticas. Estudios coloniales hispanoamericanos (Verbum, 2004). He has received fellowships and research grants from the John Carter Brown Library, the Newberry Library, the Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spain’s Cultural Ministry and the US Universities, and the Mc Knight Foundation, among others. In COLABORADORES 221 addition, he has been Visiting Fellow at the Council of Scientific...

