In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Gift, and: Bible Study, and: Omitting Beauty and Green
  • Andrea Cohen


Here's something Ihave two of, someone

said, which meantmuch, and then

someone withouta word handed

me the onething she had—

and I couldbarely, in my one

head, hold it.

Bible Study

How does a five-year-old learn

to play dead?Under what

sun can sheunlearn it?

Omitting Beauty and Green

after Hikmet

My hands advance, the lightis hungry, a road through

my eyes runs. The world mustsomewhere be blooming

enough. I like beinginside mulberries, captured.

The point is the window.The sunny infirmary

can't smell the carnations.Beside hopeful trees, the prison



