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BOOKS RECEIVED A N G IO N I, G iu lio (1989): I pascoli erranti. Antropologia del pastore in Sardegna. A n thropos 17. N ap oli: L iguori E ditore, 291pp. IS B N 88— 207— 1861— 8 B A R R E R A , Andrés: La dialéctica de la identidad en Cataluña. Un estudio de antropologia social. M adrid: C entro de In vestigaciones S ociológicas, 504pp. IS B N 8 4 -7 4 7 6 -0 8 7 -9 B A R R E R A G O N Z Á L E Z , Andrés: Casa, herencia y familia en la Cataluña rural. M adrid: A lianza U n iversidad, 442pp. IS B N 8 4 -2 0 6 -2 6 3 4 -1 . B O H O L M , Â&a (1990): The Doge of Venice. The Symbolism of State Power in the Renaissance. G othenburg: Institute for A dvanced Studies in Social A n th rop ology, 298pp. IS B N 9 1 6 3 0 -0 1 3 5 -7 C A L T A G IR O N E , B enedetto (1989): Animali Perduti. Abigeato e scambio sociale in Barbagia. Celt Editrice, 1989, 164pp. C A SSA R P U L L IC IN O , G (1990): Studi di Tradizioni Popolari Maltesi. M alta: U n iversity Press, 202pp. D A K H L IA , Jocelyne (1990): L’oubli de la cité. La mémoire collective à f épreuve du lignage dans le jerid tunisien. Paris: E ditions La D écou verte, 325pp. IS B N 2 -7 0 7 1 -1 9 1 1 -3 D E IA S , A n ton io (ed) (1990): Isole di Carta. Un percorso bibliografico demo-etno-antropologico. N u oro: Istitu to Supcriore R egionale E tnografico. 146pp F R E N D O , H enry (1990): Lejn Gleni Responsahbli, 1905 1921. M alta: S ta m p eria In dipen­ denza, 156pp K E Z IC H , G iovan n i (1986): I Poeti Contadini. Rom a: B ulzoni E ditore, 229pp P E R IS T IA N Y , John (en collab oration avec M arie-E lisab eth H andm an) (1989): Le prix de l’alliance en Méditerranée. Paris: E ditions du C entre N ation al de la R echerche Scientifique. 4 > p ISBN ? 272 04063 9 P R ID H A M , G eoffre) (ed): Securing Democracy; Political Panics and Democratic Consoli­ dation in Southern Europe. L on d on and N ew York: R outledge. IS B N 0-415-0232 6-2 227pp. FILMS AND VIDEO TAPES RECEIVED Let’s get married. 1985. Directed by Colette Piault 16 mm, 35', colour, sync, sound. Original Greek and English subtitles. Distribution: Les Films du Quotidien, 5 Rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris, France. [Greece]. Charcoal Makers. 1990. Directed by Colette Piault 16 mm, 30', colour, sync, sound. Original Greek and English subtitles. Distribution: Les Films du Quotidien, 5 Rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris, France. [Greece]. “A Hard Life...”. 1988. Directed by Colette Piault 16mm, 55', colour, sync, sound. Original Greek and English subtitles. Distribution: Les Films du Quotidien, 5 Rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris, France. [Greece], Reviews of some of the above will be published in the next and subsequent issues. BRIEF NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Two copies of submitted articles must be made. They should be on A4. paper double spaced, of a maximum length of 25-30 pages. An Abstract of the article is required. Notes and Bibliography must be placed at the end of the article. Black and White photographs may also be included. A more detailed Style Sheet is available on request from the General Editor. 156 ...

