

“有”在“可VP” 问句中表已然 (VP 为 verb phrase (动词短语) 简称),构成“阿有 VP”、“格有 VP”与“可有”合音式等类型,分布于北部吴语、西南官话、江淮官话、中原官话等;已然问“可有VP”在今大多方言中正处于被等义的“可 VP-体助词”替代的趋势中;其分布表明“有”在“可VP” 问句中表已然是一种残存形式,而非新兴的表已然的标记,它源于元明时期的北部吴语,且于明末之前扩散至其他方言;“有”首先在“可VP” 问句中由存在义动词语法化为已然体标记,既符合语义演变规律,也符合“标记在有标记项上的出现先于无标记项”(Shen 沈家煊 1997)的类型学倾向;根据谓词前“有”在汉语方言中的句类分布和表义,我们得出一条单向蕴涵共性:即如果一种方言中肯定陈述句谓词前“有”表确认,那么“有”在该方言反复问句则可以表已然,反之则不能成立。因此,从跨方言“有”的功能和表义来看,我们认为应动态地看待南方方言“有”的性质,这样,更符合“有”的语法化规律。

This paper discusses the construction of ke 可-VP interrogatives with you 有, in which you is used as the past tense marker. The ke you 可有-VP interrogatives distribute in northern Wu dialects, Southwest Mandarin, Central plain Mandarin, and Jiang Huai Mandarin, which include the types of ayou 有 VP, geyou 有 VP and the combined sound of ke you. ke you-VP interrogatives in Chinese dialects have long been under pressure to yield to the construction of “ke VP-past aspect marker” expressing the same meaning. Its distribution reflects that it is not a burgeoning past tense marker but derived from the northern Wu dialects of Yuan and Ming dynasty and spread into other dialects before the late Ming Dynasty. you as the past tense marker developed from the existence verb you after the re-analysis in the ke you-NP interrogative; it not only conforms to semantic change principle but also to the typology tendency that “marker usually appears on the marked items before unmarked ones.” (Shen 1997) According to the functions and meanings of you before VP in Chinese dialects, we get the implicational universal: if you in one dialect can be used as the affirmative sign in declarative sentence, then it can be used as the past tense marker in interrogatives. So in our view, it is more reasonable to analyze the dynamic nature of you before VP in Chinese dialects.

