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  • Index to Volume 110

The Index exhibits separately: (I) Contributors; (II) Contents, arranged with reference to the main types of material appearing in the journal. Certain conventions, e.g., that of indicating reviewers by enclosing their names in parentheses immediately after the designation of books reviewed, will be familiar from earlier volumes. Reviews are regularly listed by name of modern author, editor, translator, etc.


A. Augoustakis, 275.

R. J. Ball, 140; C. Bay, 580; A. H. Becker, 289; J. Beneker, 589; T. J. Bolt, 586; G. Braden, 286; K. R. Bradley, 142, 436; J. Burgess, 279; P. J. Burns, 290; A. Busch, 153.

P. Chaudhuri, 586; I. Christophorou, 351; S. Culpepper Stroup, 432.

V. de Harven, 148; M. Domaradzki, 299; J. Downie, 163; A. R. Dyck, 427, 575.

D. F. Elmer, 590; E. Engelsing, 399.

D. Fields, 61; T. Flatt, 451; G. Forsythe, 287; R. Fradkin, 257.

C. Gillespie, 439; M. Golden, 285.

N. L. Habash, 491; D. E. Harris-McCoy, 523; G. W. M. Harrison, 292; P. P. Hogan, 31, 187; S. J. Huskey, 283.

P. A. Johnston, 588.

A. M. Kemezis, 31, 87; D. Konstan, 3.

D. H. J. Larmour, 145; J. A. Latham, 579; A. Lather, 323; D. W. Leon, 43.

M. McCall, 138; B. D. McPhee, 475; K. A. Meinking, 545.

F. S. Naiden, 433.

V. Panoussi, 582; V. Pedrick, 592; C. Platter, 430; M. Powers, 426; P. Properzio, 150, 276, 584.

S. Rebeggiani, 278; J. Romm, 146; M. Rose, 119; S. I. Rotroff, 154.

S. L. Schein, 143; C. E. Schultz, 435; J. Secord, 211; J. M. Seo, 137; H. A. Shapiro, 151; D. H. Sick, 373; J. B. Solodow, 280; M. Stachon, 237.

D. A. Teegarden, 438; C. Trinacty, 585.

A. Uhlig, 576.

B. Victor, 423; R. Van Dam, 577.

S. K. Wear, 282; J. Wilson, 429.

J. E. G. Zetzel, 147; L. Zhmud, 424.


I. Christophorou: Homeric Precedents in the Representation of Lucan’s Pompey: 351.

M. Domaradzki: The Beginnings of Greek Allegoresis: 299.

J. Downie: The Geography of Empire in Dionysius’ Periegesis: A View from the Aegean: 163.

E. Engelsing: Census Latinus 2009: Goals, Data Collected, Importance, Perspectives: 399.

D. Fields: Chained Animals and Human Liberty: 61.

T. Flatt: Anēr Poluplanēs: Geography and the Odyssean Tradition in Polybius: 451.

R. Fradkin: Satis Superque? Latin Conjugation in Nine Rules and Three Inflectional Complexions: 257. [End Page 599]

D. E. Harris-McCoy: Using Student Dreams to Teach Psychoanalytic Math Theory: 523.

P. P. Hogan: Pausanias Politicus: Reflections on Theseus, Themistocles, and Athenian Democracy in Book 1 of the Periegesis: 187.

P. P. Hogan and A. M. Kemezis: Introduction: The Empire’s Second Language?

A. M. Kemezis: Inglorius Labor? The Rhetoric of Glory and Utility in Plutarch’s Precepts and Tacitus’ Agricola: 87.

D. Konstan: Understanding Grief in Greece and Rome: 3.

A. Lather: Taking Pleasure Seriously: Plutarch on the Benefits of Poetry and Philosophy: 323.

N. Lema Habash: Lack of Technē and the Instability of Poetry in Plato’s Ion: 491.

D. W. Leon: The Face of the Emperor in Philo’s Embassy to Gaius: 43.

B. D. McPhee: Apollo, Dionysus, and the Multivalent Birds of Euripides’ Ion: 475.

K. A. Meinking: Veni, Legi, Scripsi: On Writing in the Elementary Latin Sequence: 545.

M. Rose: A New Approach to Teaching Roman Art History: 119.

J. Secord: Julius Africanus, Origen, and the Politics of Intellectual Life under the Severans: 211.

D. H. Sick: Alabamian Argonautica: Myth and Classical Education in The Quest of the Silver Fleeces: 373.

M. Stachon: Evolutionary Thinking in Ancient Literary Theory: Quintilian’s Canon and the Origin of Verse Forms: 237.


R. Alston, Rome’s Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire (J. Wilson) 429.

A. Augoustakis, Statius, Thebaid 8, Edited with an Introduction and Commentary (P. Chaudhuri and T. J. Bolt) 586.

M. R. Bachvarova, From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic (D. F. Elmer) 590.

P. Barrios-Lech, Linguistic Interaction in Roman Comedy (B. Victor) 423.

M. -C. Beaulieu, The Sea in the Greek Imagination (J. Romm) 146.

H. Bottler, Pseudo-Plutarch und Stobaios: Eine synoptische Untersuchung (L. Zhmud...

