In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum

Bhandari, N., Shi, Y., & Jung, K. (2016). Patient Experience Of Provider Refusal Of Medicaid Coverage And Its Implications. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 27(2), 479–494.

In "Patient Experience of Provider Refusal of Medicaid Coverage and Its Implications" (Volume 27, Number 2, May 2016 pp. 479–494 | 10.1353/hpu.2016.0096), there was an error in analysis that led to the retention of a proportion of observations (<5%) that should have been dropped. Reanalysis with the correct sample did not alter the results or conclusions of the article. Of the 20 regressions in the analyses, only one result changed in the new analysis—coverage refusal in Medicare patients was significantly associated with having an annual blood pressure check. [End Page vi]


