In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

La metodología histórica al servicio de la causa de santidad. Eutimio Sastre Santos. Anthologica Annua, 59 (2012), 11–252.
Historia de la iglesia en Galicia: un estado de la cuestión. José Antonio Vázquez Vilanova. Compostellanum, LX (1–4, 2016), 529–73.
Il pio esercizio della "Corda pia." Francesco Costa, OFMConv. Miscellanea Francescana, 116 (3–4, 2016), 442–56.
Due santi russi a confronto con Francesco d'Assisi. Sergij di Radonež e Serafim di Sarov. Serena Capri. Miscellanea Francescana, 116 (3–4, 2016), 457–76.
La figura del "custode" nell'Ordine Francescano Conventuale. Valentín Redondo, OFMConv. Miscellanea Francescana, 116 (3–4, 2016), 477–95.
Historiografía de la Orden de San Jerónimo. F. Javier Campos y Fernández de Sevilla, O.S.A. Cuidad de Dios, CCXXIX (Sept.–Dec. 2016), 727–58.
The Romanian Orthodox Monasticism: History and Pan-Orthodox Ecumenism [from the Fall of Constantinople to the seizure of monastic assets]. Nica Dumitraşcu. Studia Monastica, 58 (2, 2016), 253–65.
Marcello Fogolino e la pala francescana di Camposampiero. Giovanni Baldissin Molli. Il Santo, LVI (1–2, 2016), 115–33.
1517–2017. Die Reformation von Trient aus gesehen. Paolo Prodi. Annali dell'Istituto italo-germanico in Trento, 42 (2, 2016), 137–49.
Il caso e la cosa. Lutero nella storiografica italiana del Novecento. Alberto Melloni. Cristianesimo nella storia, 37 (3, 2016), 613–48.
The Meaning of "Quaker History." Jeffrey Dudiak. Quaker History, 106 (Spring 2017), 1–21.
The Press at Vatican II: The Contribution of Father Edward Heston, CSC. Richard Gribble, CSC. American Catholic Studies, 128 (Spring 2017), 17–50.
Vatican II: Bibliographical Survey 2013–2016. Massimo Faggioli. Cristianesimo nella storia, 37 (3, 2016), 675–715.
Two Belgian Jesuit Martyrologies as Models of Conciliar Reform. Marc Lindeijer. Analecta Bollandiana, 134 (Dec. 2016), 412–32.


Los mártires cristianos como testimonio de la expansión religiosa en el África romana (ss. I–IV d.C.). Ma Ampario Mateo Donet. Carthaginensia, XXXII (Jan.–June, 2016), 173–89. [End Page 385]
The Origins of the Sunday Eucharist. Henk Jan de Jonge. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 92 (Dec. 2016), 549–79.
Did Papias of Hierapolis Use the Gospel according to the Hebrews as a Source? Michael J. Kok. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Spring 2017), 29–53.
Did Origen Write the Letter to Theodore? Michael T. Zeddies. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Spring 2017), 55–87.
El martirio cristiano en la antigüedad tardía: pluriforme y ejemplar. Johan Leemans and Anthony Dupont. Augustinus, LXI (July–Dec. 2016), 365–79.
Wealth, Work and the Holy Poor: Early Christian Monasticism between Syria and Egypt. Peter Brown. Irish Theological Quarterly, 81 (Aug. 2016), 233–45.
Priesthood in Ancient Monasticism from 320 to 830. Adalbert de Vogüé, O.S.B. American Benedictine Review, 67 (Dec. 2016), 370–402.
Constantinian Influence upon Julian's Pagan Church. David Neal Greenwood. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 68 (Jan. 2017), 1–21.
La cristianización de la calendas de enero en la Hispania tardoantigua. Juan Antonio Jiménez Sánchez. Latomus, 76 (Mar. 2017), 162–84.
The Body, Sensation, and the Art of Medicine in Augustine's Early Writings 386–395. Marianne Djuth. Augustiniana, 66 (1–4, 2016), 63–83.
Wandering Wombs, Inspired Intellects: Christian Religious Travel in Late Antiquity. Rebecca Stephens Falcasantos. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25 (Spring 2017), 88–117.
The life of Senzius of Blera and episcopal appropriation of monastic cults in early medieval Tuscany. Nicholas Everett. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, LXIX (July–Dec. 2015), 315–34.
The Question of Authorship of the Historia Stephani protomartyris (BHO 1093; CANT 302; Clavis coptica 0491): Theodosius of Jerusalem, Abba Isaiah, the monk Romanus and Peter the Iberian. Alin Suciu. Analecta Bollandiana, 134 (Dec. 2016), 279–92.
"La guerra di Costantinopoli." La posizione politico dottrinale dei vescovi...

