In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NEW CHAUCER SOCIETY: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS The University ofYork: August 6-11, 1984 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Derek Brewer (Emmanuel College, Cam­ bridge), "The Reconstruction ofChaucer" BIENNIAL CHAUCER LECTURE: Larry D. Benson (Harvard University), "The 'Queynte' Punnings ofChaucer's Critics" Sessions CHAUCER AT WORK, chaired by A. J. Minnis (University ofBristol) A. J. Minnis, "'Glossing is a glorious thing': Chaucer at Work on the Boece" Alfred David (Indiana University), "Recycling AnelidaandArcite: Chaucer as a Source for Chaucer" Barry Windeatt (Cambridge University), "Chaucer at Work in the Trozlus" Charlotte Morse (Virginia Commonwealth University), discussant Derek Pearsall (University ofYork), discussant THEORIZING HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP, chaired by Lee Patterson Oohns Hopkins University) Lee Patterson, "Historicism and Its Discontents, or, Who's Afraid ofF. A. Wulf?'' John Burrow (University ofBristol), "Re-Constructing Sir Thopas" DavidAers (University ofEast Anglia), "Political Engagement in Historical Criticism" 257 RECONSTRUCTING CHAUCER CHAUCER AND CHIVALRY, chaired by Anne Middleton (University of California, Berkeley) Anne Middleton, "War by Other Means: Marriage and Chivalry in Chaucer" J. Anthony Tuck (University ofDurham), "Carthusian Monks and Lollard Knights: Religious Attitude at the Court ofRichard II" Laura Kendrick (Rutgers University), "Fame's Fabrication" TerryJones (London), discussant CHAUCER AND THE CONTINENT: FRANCE, chaired by Piero Boitani (University ofPerugia) A. Crepin (Amiens), "French Rhymes and Chaucer's Wit" James Wimsatt (University ofTexas), "Froissart, Chaucer, and the Pas­ tourelles ofthe Pennsylvania Manuscript" ]. 0. Fichte (University ofTiibingen), "Womanly Noblesse and To Rose­ mounde: Point and Counterpoint ofChaucerian Love Lyrics" David Wallace (Cambridge University), "Chaucer and the European Rose" CHAUCER AND HIS SOURCES, chaired by John J. McGavin (South­ ampton University) Peter W. Travis (Dartmouth College), "The Nun's Priest's Tale as Grammar-School Primer" Bella Millett (Southampton University), "Chaucer, Lollius, and the Medi­ eval Theory ofAuthorship" John McGavin will conduct a general discussion ofthe approaches embod­ ied in the two papers. SEX AND GENDER IN AND AROUND CHAUCER'S WORK, chaired by Sheila Delany (Simon Fraser University) Richard F. Green (University ofWestern Ontario), "Chaucer and the Craft ofLove" Jill Mann (Girton College, Cambridge), "Chaucer's Concept of 'Wom­ manly Pitee' " 258 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Louise O. Fradenburg (Dartmouth College),"The Wife ofBath and Errant Textuality" Sheila Delany,"The Logic ofObscenity in the Legends ofGood Women" THE BOOK OF THE DUCHESS, chaired by A. C. Spearing (Cambridge University) Paula Neuss (Birkbeck College,London),"'For y am sorwe,and sorwe ys y': Reversal in The Book ofthe Duchess" Helen Phillips (University of Lancaster), "The Book ofthe Duchess, Lines 31-96: Are They a Forgery?" A. C. Spearing,"Literal and Figurative in The Book ofthe Duchess" Anna Baldwin (University of York), discussant Gregory Roscow (University of Keele), discussant CHAUCER AND THE CONTINENT: ITALY, chaired by Piero Boitani Howard Schiess (Columbia University),"Chaucer and the Assumption of Dante" Nicholas Havely (University of York), "Tearing or Breathing? Dante's Influence on Fzlostrato and Trozlus" E. Giaccherini (Pisa),"Chaucer, Boccaccio, and the Fabliaux" Piero Boitani and Charles Muscatine, discussants for sessions 1 and 5 EDITING CHAUCER, chaired by A. S. G. Edwards Jeremy Griffiths (St. John's College, Oxford), The Canterbury Tales Ralph Hanna (University of California, Riverside), The Minor Poems Jennifer Fellowes (Cambridge), The Parliament ofFowles N. F. Blake (University of Sheffield), discussant Ian Doyle (University of Durham), discussant CHAUCER AND MEDICINE, chaired by Lorrayne Y. Baird-Lange (Youngstown State University) 259 RECONSTRUCTING CHAUCER Vern Bullough (State University College, Buffalo), "Chaucer Sex, and Medicine" Ynez Viole O'Neill (University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles), "Arcite's Death and the New Surgery in The Knight's Tale" Laurel Braswell (McMaster University), "The Moon and Medicine in Chau­ cer's Time" Lorrayne Y. Baird-Lange, "Trotula's Fourteenth-Century Reputation,Jan­ kyn's Book, and Chaucer's Trot" THE CANTERBURY TALES: THE DRAMATIC THEORY RECON­ SIDERED, chaired by C. David Benson (University of Connecticut) C. David Benson, "The Limitations of the Dramatic Theory" John M. Fyler (Tufts University), "Surrogates and Doubles in The Canter­ bury Tales" H. Marshall Leicester, Jr. (University of California, Santa Cruz), "Chau­ cer's Subject, or What The Canterbury Tales is About" Robert W. Hanning (Columbia University), discussant CHAUCER AND CHAUCER CONTEMPORARIES, chaired by Florence Ridley (University of California, Los Angeles) Florence Ridley, "Chaucer and Chaucerians: Defining Dunbar" Elizabeth Kirk (Brown University), "William Langland" A. S...

