In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Aaron,Caroline Fowler, 271 Abelard,Peter,6,162,219 Abraham,101,104,105 Acker,Paul,235 Adam,104 Adam of Usk,115n-116n, 116,123n, 143n,152n,153,153n Adams,Charles Phythian,172 Aelred (of Rievaulx),De institutione inclusarum , 239 IEmilianus,Paladius Rutilius Taurus,236 Aers,David,13,13n,18,19,64n,65n Aesop,The Fables, 208 Alan of Lille,179,269 Alexander,Flora,237 Alexander,Jonathan,120n,123n,124n, 126n,128n,138n,141n,142n St. Alexis,207 Alford,John A.,57n Allen,Judson,6 St. Ambrose,218 Amino,Eriko,235 Amis and Amiloun, 86n Ancrene Wisse, 219,239 Anderson,J. J.,99n,101n Andrew, Malcolm, 99n, 101n, llln; (and Charles Moorman and Daniel J. Ran­ som),ed. The General Prologue: A Vario­ rum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 157-60 Anne,Queen (Anne ofBohemia),90n,91, 91n,92n,139,139n,195 Aquinas,St. Thomas,28,31,105n Aristotle,26,27,41n,58,120,120n,220, 222; Poetics, 221; Rhetoric, 221 Arrathoon,Leigh A.,53n Arthur,Karen,228 Arthur,King,95n,242,246 Arthur,Ross,250 Arundel,Thomas,archbishop of Canter­ bury,33n,117,258--59,260 Astell,Ann W.,Job, Boethius, and Epic Truth, 160-63 Aston,John,32 Aston,Margaret,29n Athelston, 79-98 Attwood,E. Bagby,140n St. Augustine,67n,105,192,202,203, 217,219,220,266; City ofGod, 102n; Confessions, 218 Avitus of Vienne,Poematum,218 Bacon,John,139-40,140n Badby,John,32n Bailly,Harry,48,49,64n,208,231,253 Bakhtin,Mikhail,8,45,45n Baldwin,Ralph,The Unity of the Canterbury Tales, 158 Baltzer,Rebecca A.,180n Barbour,John,The Bruce, 249 Barlow,Frank,85n Barney, Stephen A., 107n; Studies in Troilus: Chaucer's Text, Meter, and Dic­ tion, 163-67 Barr,Helen,116n Barratt,Alexandra,Women's Writing in Middle English, 240 Barron,Caroline,117n,124n,137n,147n Barron,W. R. J., 245 Barthes,Roland,39n Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 122 Barton,Elizabeth,241 Bateman,William,95n Battle of Ma/don, 268 Baxter,Margery,39,39n,240 Beadle,Richard,ed. The Cambridge Com­ panion to Medieval English Theatre, 16772 Beckwith,Sarah,24n,219; Christ's Body: Identity, Culture, and Society in Late Me­ dieval Writings, 172-75 Bedier,Joseph,164 Bell,Rudolph,276 Bellamy,Elizabeth J., 23n,35n Bellamy,J. G.,144n Belshazzar,102,103,104 Bennett,H. S.,230 Bennett, Michael J., 112, 113, 113n, 120n,153n,154n 379 STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER Benskin, Michael,191 Bendit de Sainte-Maure,Roman de Troie, 163 Benson,C. David,47n Benson,Larry D.,72n,78n,118n,22829 ; ed. The Riverside Chaucer, 25n,46n, 69n,81n,154n,158,160,164,166, 176,194,227,229 Beowulf, 167 Berengar of Tours,27,27n,28n,41n Bergeron,DavidM.,128n Berkowitz,L.,74n Bestul,Thomas,229 Beug,Kurt,95n Bevis of Hamptoun, 79 The Bible,122,184,211,258,262,273; 1 Cor, 146; Eccl, 88,209; Eph, 85n; Gal, 105; ls,107,145;jb,160-61;Jn,122; Lk, 105, 172-73; Mt, 103, 136; Ps, 209; R� 107,122,128,12� 145n, 202-5; Song, 200,218 Binski,Paul,123n,124n,126n,128n, 138n Bird,Ruth,117n,124n,146n Bishop,Ian,112,112n Blake,Norman (and Peter Robinson),ed. The Canterbury Tales Project: Occasional Papers. Volume I, 175-78 Blarnires,Alcuin,59,59n Blanche of Lancaster,266,267 Blanche,Robert J., 50n,67n,126n,139n Bliss,W. H.,142n Bloch, Maurice,174 Bloch,R. Howard,214 Bloom,Harold,192 Bloomfield,Morton W.,62n-63n,64, 64n,163 Boccaccio,Giovanni,24,50,50n,51,51n, 53,53n,54,54n,62,66n,67,221, 222; Decameron, 178; Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta, 222; Fi/ocolo, 178; Fi/ostrato, 66,165,181 Boethius,179; Consolation of Philosophy, 122,160,162,180,246 Boffey,Julia,240-41 Bogdanos,Theodore,135n Boitani,Piero,17n,19n,47n St. Bonaventure,167 Booker, M. Keith,55n,68n 380 The Book of the Knight of the Tour Landry, 87n,211,212,219,249 Boone,Lalia Phipps,82n Boose,Lynda,213 Bornstein,Diane,The Lady in the Tower, 210,211,212 Boulton, Maureen BarryMcCann,The Song in the Story: Lyric Insertions in French Narrative Fiction, 178-82 Bowden, Muriel,148n Bowers,JohnM...

