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  • Contributors

Bonnie L. Gasior is Professor of Spanish at California State University, Long Beach. She is co-author of the textbook Redes literarias: la literatura hispánica en su contexto socio-histórico (forthcoming, McFarland Press, 2017). She has also co-edited two volumes: Crosscurrents: Transatlantic Perspectives on Early Modern Hispanic Drama (Bucknell, 2006) and Making Sense of the Senses in the Spanish Comedia (forthcoming, Juan de la Cuesta, 2017).

Javier Lorenzo is Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies at East Carolina University. He is the author of "Nuevos casos, nuevas artes": Intertextualidad, autorrepresentación e ideología en la obra de Juan Boscán (Juan de la Cuesta, 2007). He has published extensively on early modern Spanish lyric and drama and is currently working on a research project on the political uses of space in Lope de Vega's comedia.

Patricia Marín Cepeda is Assistant Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Burgos (Spain). In the last decade, she has done research or taught at the Universidad de Valladolid, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Universidad de Jaén y Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Her recent publications include the monograph Cervantes y la Corte de Felipe II: Escritores en el entorno de Ascanio Colonna (Ediciones Polifemo, 2015). She has published a critical edition of the Relación de lo sucedido en la ciudad de Valladolid… (Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2005) attributed to Cervantes, co-edited the volume Hos ego versiculos feci. Estudios de atribución y plagio (Iberoamericana, 2010), and recently edited the volume on eroticism and Spanish Golden Age literature En la concha de Venus amarrado. Erotismo y literatura en el Siglo de Oro (Visor, 2017).

María del Rosario Martínez Navarro is Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Sevilla. She is the author of La literatura anticortesana de Cristóbal de Castillejo: estudio especial del Aula de cortesanos (1547) (Academia del Hispanismo, 2016). Some of her recent essays are published in such academic journals as e-Humanista, Atalanta: Revista de las Letras [End Page 199] Barrocas, Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica,, etc. She has also contributed to several collective volumes, and is the director of the e-journal Cuadernos de Aleph. She is a member of the research group P.A.S.O (Poesía Andaluza del Siglo de Oro).

Jason McCloskey is Associate Professor at Bucknell University. His research focuses primarily on the portrayal of discovery and piracy in the epics of Imperial Spain. With Ignacio López-Alemany, he is co-editor of the collection of essays, Signs of Power in Habsburg Spain and the New World (Bucknell, 2013).

Cristina Moya García is Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Sevilla. She is editor of the collection of essays, Juan de Mena: de letrado a poeta (Tamesis, 2015), and Juan de Mena: tiempo y memoria (Silex, 2016). She has also published a critical edition of Las almenas de Toro by Lope de Vega (Gredos, 2015). She is member of the research group P.A.S.O (Poesía Andaluza del Siglo de Oro).

Juan Ramón Muñoz Sánchez, currently teaches at the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain. His research focuses on Cervantes, Lope de Vega, the picaresque novel, and Spanish-Italian relations. With Antonio Rey Hazas, he is co-author of El nacimiento del cervantismo: Cervantes y el Quijote en el siglo XVIII (Verbum, 2006). He has also published two monographs, De amor y literatura: hacia Cervantes (Academia del Hispanismo, 2012) and El incesto, un tema de origen clásico, en Shakespeare, Lope de Vega y Racine (Accademia UP, 2016). Recently, he has edited La Ulixea de Homero, traducida de griego en lengua castellana por el secretario Gonzalo Pérez (Anejos de Analecta Malacitana 99, 2015).

Maxim Rigaux is a Ph.D candidate of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at Ghent University. His dissertation focuses on the study of a multilingual corpus of Hispanic epic poetry on the battle of Lepanto (1571).

Eduardo Torres is assistant professor in Spanish literature at the Universidad de Jaén, and researcher of reference at the University Institute "La Corte en Europa" (IULCE-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid...

