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Index Abelard, Peter, 219 Acton,John, 129, 134-35; Annotationes in Constitutiones legatinas, 126 JElfric, 159-60 Aers, David, Chaucer, 42n; Chaucer, Langland , and the Creative Imagination, 42n Alain de Lille, 85n; Anticlaudianus, 219 Alcaeus, 35n Alderson, William L. (and Arnold C. Hen­ derson), Chaucer and Augustan Schol­ arship, 24n, 25n, 28n Alemannus, 206 Alexander VI, 43n Alexander of Hales, 220 Al-Kindi, 145n Allen, David G., 265 Allen, HopeE., 55n, 76n Allen, Peter L., 255 Amorbacher Mari"enhimme/fahrtsspiel, 261 Amos, Thomas L. (withEugene A. Green and Beverly Mayne Kienzle), ed. De Ore Domini: Preacher and Wordin the Middle Ages, 159-62 Anderson, Perry, 248 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 211 Anne ofEngland, 133 St. Antoninus, Summa theologica, 131 apRoberts, Robert P, 121n, 122, 123n Aquinas, St. Thomas, 220 Arabian Nights, 31 Arbery, Glenn C., 254 Argyle,Michael (and Mark Cook), Gaze and Mutual Gaze, 147n Ariosto, 30n, 185 Aristotle, 179, 219-20; Physics, 218; Poet­ ics, 205-6, 218, 220; Metaphysics, 218 Armitage-Smith, Sydney, john of Gaunt, 133n, 136n; ed.John ofGaunt's Register, 63n Arnaut Daniel, 194 Arnheim, Rudolf, 175 Arnulf of Orleans, 219 Arthur ofEngland, 212-13 Arthur, 210-11 Arthur, brother of Henry VIII, 130 Arthur, Ross G., 254-55 Arundel, Richard, 13 Ashley, Kathleen M., 256-57 Ashwardby, Richard, 233 Atkins,J. W H., English Literary Cnticism: The Medieval Phase, 218 Atkinson, Clarissa W, Mystic and Pilgn·m, 76n Aucto de la destruicion deJeruselen, 261 Audelay,John, Poems a/John Audelay, 63n Auerbach,Erich, Mimesis, 241 Auerbach,Erna, 177 St. Augustine, 124, 179, 191-92, 219, 254; Confessions, 238; De doctn·na Christiana, 239 Austen,Jane, 12 Averroes, 206, 220 Azzo of Bologna, 134n Bacon, Roger, 180 Baker, Donald C., 26n, 30n, 99n, 174; ed. The Squire's Tale: A Vanorum Edition of the Works ofGeoffrey Chaucer, 162-65 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 181, 256-57 Bakker,). (et al.), ed. Essays on English and Amen"can Literature and a SheafofPoems Offered to David Wilkinson, 121n Baldwin, Robert, 145n Banester, Gilbert, 24-26 Bannister, Arthur T., 45n, 77n, 78n Barnes, Hazel, 146n Barney, Stephen A., 100n, 101, 108-11, 118-19,123n; Chaucer's Troilus: Essays in Cnt1"cism, 156n Barnum, Priscilla H., 60n, 79n Barraclough, Geoffrey, Papal Provisions, 61n Barratt, Alexandra, 71n Barron, Caroline M., 70n Barthes, Roland, Image, Music, Text, 9; Re­ sponsibility ofForms, 145-46 Batts, Michael, Gottfried van Straussburg, 18n, 34n Baudelaire, Charles, 166-67, 225, 227 Baudouin de Conde, voie de Paradis, 236 Baugh, A. C., Chaucer's Major Poetry, 100n, 101, 107, 109-11 379 STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER Beadle,Richard,101n Beaufon,John,129,133,136 Becket,St. Thomas,160,176 Beckett,Samuel,12 Bede,159-60 Bedouelle,Guy (and Patrick Le Gal) ed. Le "Divorce" de roi Henry VIII, 130n Beethoven,Ludwig van,Symphony #5 in c, 36n Benedict XIV, 132 Benjamin,Walter,217 Benkov,Edith).,256 Bennett,J. A. W.,76n Bennett,Michael,48n Benson,C. David,81n Benson,Larry D.,202; gen. ed. The River­ side Chaucer, 6n,41n, 82n, 100n, 109, 110n, 118, 121n, 122n, 123n, 144n, 148n,152,156n,186,209,231 Benson,Roben,Medieval Body Language, 143n Benvenuto de Imola,218 Bergen,H.,33n Bernard of Armagnac,129,134 St. Bernard of Clairvaux,125,241 Bernard of Morlay,182 Bernard of Parma,128 Bernardino of Siena,161 Bersuire,Pierre,220,265 Berthold of Regensburg,161 Bestul,Thomas H.,42n Bethurum,Dorothy,162-63 Betti,Emilio,227 The Bible,218-20,222-23,225,259;Dan, 264;Deut 21:10-13,188;Ezek,226;Jas 2:26,187; Jn,226; Rev (Apoc) 9:6,167, 235-36 Biller,Peter,43n Bishop,Elizabeth,7 Bishop,Ian,Troilus and Criseyde: A Critical Study, 146n,147n Blake, N. E,ed. Middle English Religious Prose, 74n; The Textual Tradition ofthe Canterbury Tales, 25n Blanche,wife ofJohn of Gaunt,8 Bliss,William H. (and Charles Johnson) ed. Calendar ofEntries in the PapalRegisters Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, 50n,6ln,62n,135n 380 Bloch,Marc,232,241-42 Block,E. A.,82n Block,Edward,265 Bloomfield,Monon,156 Blotner,Joseph,Faulkner: A Biography, 6n Boccaccio,18,86n,202,218,220,227,229; Decameron, 24, 25n, 128n; Filostrato, 99n; Genealogie...

