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BOOKS RECEIVED Carol Adams, Paula Bartley, Hilary Bourdillon, and Cathy Loxton. From Workshop to Warfare: The Lives ofMedieval Women. Cambridge and New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. iii, 43. $3.95. Michael Alexander. Old English Literature. History of Literature Series. New York, N.Y.: Schocken Books, Inc., 1983. Pp. xv, 248. $28.50. John A. Alford and Dennis P. Seniff. Literature and Law in the Middle Ages: A Bibliography ofScholarship. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 378. New York, N.Y.: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1984. Pp. xvi, 292. $44.00. Richard Barber, ed. Arthurian Literature III. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer; Totawa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1984. Pp. 136. $37.50. Alexandra Barratt. The Book of Tnhulation: ed. from MS Bodley 423. Middle English Texts/15. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1983. Pp. 174. DM 98. Richard Beadle and Pamela M. King, eds. York Mystery Plays: A Selection in Modern Spelling. Oxford andNew York, N.Y.: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. xxxiii, 279. $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paper back. Thomas Binkley and Clifford Flanigan. The Greater Passion Play: Recon­ structed from the 13th-Century Manuscript Carmina Burana. Bloom­ ington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1984. Two long-playing records plus 12-page booklet. $20.00. Stanley Boorman, ed. Studies in thePerformance a/Late MediaevalMusic. Cambridge and New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xv, 282. $40.50. 273 STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER Patrick Boyde. Dante Philomythes and Philosopher: Man in the Cosmos. Cambridge and New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. vii, 408. $74.50 hard back, $17.95 paper back. Derek Brewer. AnIntroduction to Chaucer. London and New York, N.Y.: Longman, Inc., 1984. Pp. vii, 263. $11.95. Derek Brewer. Chaucer: The Poet as Storyteller. London: The MacMillan Press Ltd.; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, Inc., 1984. Pp. X, 150. $36.00. Derek Brewer. English GothicLiterature. History ofLiterature Series. New York, N.Y.: Schocken Books, Inc.; London: The MacMillan Press Ltd., 1983. Pp. xvi, 315. $28.50. Derek Brewer. Tradition and Innovation in Chaucer. London: The Mac­ Millan Press Ltd.; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, Inc., 1982. Pp. x, 181. $37.00. Nicholas Brooks, ed.Latin and the VernacularLanguages inEarly Medieval Britain. Leicester: Leicester University Press; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1982. Pp. xi, 170. $45.00. Kevin Brownlee. Poetic Identity in Guillaume de Machaut. Madison, Wis.: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. Pp. x, 268. $30.00. J. A. Burrow. Essays on Medieval Literature. Oxford and New York, N.Y.: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. iv, 218. $29.95. Daniel G. Calder, Robert E. Bjork, Patrick K. Ford and Daniel F. Melia, trans. Sources and Analogues of Old English Poetry II: The Ma;or Germanic and Celtic Texts in Translation. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer; Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1983. Pp. xxiv, 222. $42.50. Leonard Cantor, ed. The English Medieval Landscape. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. Pp. 225. $27.50. Anthony K. Cassell. Dante's FearfulArt of justice. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 1984. Pp. xiii, 186. $20.00. 274 BOOKS RECEIVED KarlChrist. Revised by Anton Kern, translated and edited by Theophil M. Otto. The Handbook ofMedieval Library History. Metuchen, N.J. and London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1984. Pp. xvi, 492. $35.00. Paul MauriceClogan, ed. Medievalia Et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture. New Series: Number 12. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984. Pp. ix, 246. $42.50. Anne Shaver-Crandell. The Middle Ages: Cambridge Introduction to the History ofArt. Cambridgeand New York, N.Y.: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1982. Pp. 122. $8.95. Roger Dahood, ed. The Avowing ofKing Arthur. Garland Medieval Texts No. 10. New York, N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1984. Pp. 155. $26.00. R. G. Davies and]. H. Denton, eds. The English Parliament in the Middle Ages. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press; Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 214. $25.00. Mildred Leake Day, ed. and trans. The Rise ofGawain, Nephew ofArthur (De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturz). Garland Library ofMedieval Liter­ ature Volume 15, Series A. London and New York, N.Y.: Garland Publishing, Inc...

