In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Abbreviations for Chaucer's Works ABC AnABC Adam Adam Scriveyn Anel Anelida andAm'te Astr A Treatise on theAstrolabe Ba/Comp A Balade ofComplaint ED The Book ofthe Duchess Bo Boece Buk The Envoy to Bukton CkT The Cook's Tale CIT The Clerk's Tale Compl d'Am Complaynt d'Amours CT The Canterbury Tales CYT The Canon's Yeoman's Tale Equat The Equatorie ofthe Planets For Fortune FormAge The FormerAge FranT The Franklins Tale FrT The Friar's Tale Gent Genttlesse GP The GeneralPrologue HF The House ofFame KnT The Knight's Tale Lady A Complaint to His Lady LGW The Legend ofGood Women ManT The Manciples Tale Mars The Complaint ofMars Mel The Tale ofMelibee MercB Merci/es Beaute MerT The Merchants Tale M1IT The Miller's Tale MkT The Monks Tale MLT The Man ofLaw's Tale NPT The Nuns Priests Tale 275 STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER PardT ParsT PF PhyT Pity Prov PrT Purse Ret Rom Ros RvT Scog ShT SNT SqT Sted SumT TC Th Ven WET Wom Nob Wom Unc 276 The Pardoner's Tale The Parson's Tale The Parliament ofFowls The Physician'.r Tale The Complaint unto Pity Proverbs The Pn·oress's Tale The Complaint ofChaucer to His Purse Chaucer's Retraction The Romaunt ofthe Rose To Rosemounde The Reeve's Tale The Envoy to Scogan The Shipman's Tale The Second Nun's Tale The Squire '.r Tale Lak o/Stedfastnesse The Summoners Tale Troilus and Criseyde The Tale ofSir Thopas The Complaint ofVenus The Wife ofBath's Tale Womanly Noblesse Against Women Unconstant ...

