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CLASSICS IN CANADA Gr eek , or a combinati on o f t hese, i s 1. a well- formulated statement concerning t he r ea sons for st udying them; 2. a well-qualified t eacher who has both a very solid k.l'l.owledg:e of and great enthusiasm for t he classics . I suggest t hat sane wh:) are approaching or have f inished t heir Ph . D. and are wondering wher e to turn f or a j ob ponder deeply whether t hey f eel equal t o meeti ng the challenge of revi t alizing t he study of class i cs at the s chool l evel. Those that do are t he very ones t he schools need: t hey have the knowledge and the neces sary enthusiasm. BaZmol'aZ HaZZ School/St. John '8 College. Winnipeg . Tu ne quaesieris , scire nefas, quem mihi , quem Ubi Finem di dcderint, Leuconoe, nec Babyl onlos Temptaris numeros. Ut melius quldquid erit patt, Seu pluds hicmes seu tribuit l,uppiter ul timarn , Quae nunc oppos iti s debil i tat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum: sapins, vina liques, et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, Cugedt invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. NoW' don' l go fl outing heaven's l aW's, Leuconoe, By trying to predict your fate and mine From magic tabu l ations. Better face what lies before you, Wh ether God allots you many W'inters more Or jus t this onc whose waves are pounding on our shores. Be sensibl e , strHin wine , and trim your hopes to life's short span. Whil e we are speaking, grudging Time has flcd; so Grasp the moment, ar.d trust future t ime the l eas t you can ! University of Tol'Onto. Translated by T. ~l, Robinson ...

