In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Generation Z Goes to College
  • Trianne Smith and Tony W. Cawthon
Corey Seemiller and Megan Grace
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2016, 286 pages
$29.95 (hardcover)
$19.99 (ebook)

Generation Z Goes to College offers readers insight as to how the new generation of college students prefer learning, engaging with peers, and what motivates them. A common theme throughout Generation Z Goes to College is social media and emerging technologies. Social media plays a pivotal role in how the new generation engages with others, expresses their cares, concerns, and relationships. Authors, Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace, highlight developing college students' values that shape their decision-making processes. Within 224 pages (an introduction and 10 chapters) Seemiller and Grace explore how the next wave of college students will change the landscape of higher education.

In the introduction to Generation Z Goes to College, Seemiller and Grace provide a rationale for studying the newest generation entering college and the importance for student affairs practitioners to understand how to best motivate, engage, and educate Generation Z. Seemiller and Grace share with readers the methodology of their quantitative and qualitative research findings, and implications for those working with college students.

Chapter one, "Who is Generation Z?" provides information and data on what shaped previous generation's perspectives. A thorough explanation of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. This introduction provides readers foundational explanations of these generations and the major events, which have shaped and influenced their lens. The chapter concludes with discussion and consideration of characteristics and values of Generation Z. A sample of these characteristics Generation Z possess includes compassion, loyalty, open-mindedness, and responsibility.

"Beliefs and Perspectives", chapter two, explores viewpoints Generation Z embrace based on the impact of major world events and technological advances. The connectedness of Generation Z could be beneficial for educators to thoughtfully engage with students. Seemiller and Grace provide extensive observations on how the newest generation entering college participate in religion, political ideologies on social matters, and are concerned with financial literacy.

Chapter three "Communication Platforms and Preferences" and chapter 4, "Social Media Use" describe Generation Z's preferred methods of interaction with others on and offline. Seemiller and Grace detail the types of sharing that occurs on social [End Page 101] media platforms and explores how gender influences one's usage of social media. Seemiller and Grace share which social media platforms woman are the majority.

The themes that intertwine with who comprises Generation Z's inner circle is the focus of chapter five "Friends, Family, and Romance". Seemiller and Grace describe the diverse nature of Generation Z's relationships, and how these relationships are heavily influence by the digital world. Unlike other previous generations, Generation Z utilizes social media as an avenue to build trust and create a sense of community.

Chapter six, "Care and Concern" details issues that Generation Z hold of highest importance. These issues include: school violence, living in an era of constant war, information technology security, and the cost of higher education. Of relevance to student affairs practitioners is the rising cost of higher education. One strategy presented for educators is to condense non-academic related student services to reduce the financial burden for Generation Z.

Chapter seven, "Engagement and Social Change" explores how Generation Z consumes and disseminates the news. This chapter foreshadows how Generation Z will engage in politics and voting. Understanding how to engage Generation Z civically, while focusing on their passion areas, will be useful concepts for student affairs practitioners. Changing the world is a theme used by Seemiller and Grace to describe how Generation Z will live their values through lifestyle changes. This chapter highlights how Generation Z currently engages and supports personal views in the political realm.

Leadership is the focus of chapter eight, "Leadership Styles and Capacities." The authors discuss how Generation Z defines leadership, and what they value in leaders. To illustrate how leadership (and terminology related to leadership) has evolved, leadership is defined through the lens of each generation described in the introduction with particular focus on how Generation Z define leadership and determine who is a leader.

Chapter nine, "Maximizing Learning" explores Generation Z as learners and best practices educators...

