In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANCIENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY up its students to a level of specialisation in the way that literature and history courses can? When you have finished it, are you left with anything solid? But these are all wider questions, and part of the wider spectrum of the whole "Classical Civ." debate. For us now, in this article, they are another question, for another day. CarU!ton Universi ty NOTE lReprinted, with pennission, from the September 1977 issue of The New engLand CLassiaaL NewsLetter (v. 1). "POTOR AQVAE, PROCVL I, MADIDIS INIMICE CAMENIS!II Nullum, credimus si F1acco, Carmen usquam sine Baccho Dignum laude pangitur. Stagna foeda mox Averni Visat ille, qui Falerni Non furore tangitur. "5i duella sunt canenda, 5ume magna haurienda Pod a", dixit Ennius. Vatem posce vinolentum, Pollio, si monumentum Aere vis perennius. Brevis quod manebit aevi, Ego tuque, care Maevi, 5eduli potabimus. Doctas non habemus mentes; Minus stolide madentes Forsitan cantabimus. Herbert H. Hu:r:ley Univemity of Victoria 31 ...

