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  • Index

Abbott, Frank F., 277, 372n4, 374n14

Achilles Tatius, 397n5, 475n47

  Leucippe and Clitophon

    classification, 298n67, 342

    comparison to Chariton, 443, 455n21, 470

    historicity of, 381

    irony in, 467n38

    length of, 303

    prose style, 298, 332n158, 334n160, 334n163, 379, 448n10, 455n21, 456, 459, 471

    title, 290n*

    use of first person in, 425

Aelian, 397n5, 402, 402n15, 421

  de Natura Animalium, 402n16, 412n21, 436n4

  Varia Historia, 296, 320, 325n137, 404n24

Aeschylus, 488, 490–4, 492n26

Aethiopica. See Heliodorus

Amores (Pseudo-Lucian). See Pseudo-Lucian

Anthia and Habrocomes. See Xenophon of Ephesus

Antonius Diogenes, 288, 297–8, 298n67, 342, 342n14, 444

Apologia (Apuleius). See Apuleius

Apologia (Lucian). See Lucian


  and legal issues, 428

  and mystery religions, 310, 356, 358, 386

  and women, 350

  fondness of Roman institutions of, 352

  preoccupation with the immediate, 440

  realism, 327

  Apologia, 327, 358, 361n18, 369, 406, 415

  Florida, 327n147, 423n5

  Hermagoras. See Hermagoras (Apuleius)

  Metamorphoses. See Metamorphoses (Apuleius)

Aristotle, 268

authorship, 277, 278, 279, 281, 288, 289, 291, 293, 306, 323–4, 396, 403

Bürger, Karl, 286, 287, 290–4, 303–8, 313, 315, 318, 319n115, 323, 343n16, 347–9, 352, 359, 388n2, 396n2, 405n2

Butler, H.E., 308n88, 327n146

Calhoun, G. M., 487n17, 488

Cauer, Paul, 483n8

Chaereas and Kallirhoe. See Chariton


  Chaereas and Kallirhoe

    and legend, 448–51, 470

    as a Milesian tale, 346n27

    characterization in, 460–7

    conventions in, 451

    criticism of, 443–5

    irony in, 467

    literary imitation in, 451–4

    narrative style of, 455–6

    plot simplicity of, 444, 456–9

    representative of literary culture, 443–75

    summary of, 457–8


    1, 452n17, 454n20, 455n23, 463n36, 471n43

    2, 445, 453n17, 455n23, 461

    3, 453, 453n17, 454n20, 455n23, 456n26, 461, 471n43, 472n43

    4, 453n17, 454, 454n20, 456n26, 458, 471n43, 472n43

    5, 453n17, 454, 455n23, 456n26, 458, 472n43

    6, 379n22, 453n17, 454, 455n23, 456n26, 461, 471n43 [End Page 515]

    7, 451, 452n17, 453, 454, 454n20, 456n26

    8, 451, 453n17, 454, 461, 471n43, 472n43

codex Vaticanus 90(Γ), 299

comic romance, 294, 295, 303, 307, 377–80, 410–2, 419

Daphnis and Chloe. See Longus

de Natura Animalium. See Aelian

Dunlop, John C., 444n2, 456n28, 458n31, 460n34

Ephesiaca. See Xenophon of Ephesus

epitomization, 287–8, 289, 299, 306, 307, 311, 320, 321, 324, 325, 328, 336, 341–2, 348–9, 357, 358, 366, 369, 387, 405

Fabricius, Johann, 280

Flickinger, Roy C., 437n6

Florida (Apuleius). See Apuleius

folklore, 311–3, 440–1

  primitive, 378–480

Geffcken, Johannes, 372

Genesis (Book of), 397n*

Gesner, Johann M., 280, 303n78

Goldbacher, Alois, 284, 347n2

Heinze, Richard, 314n104, 376, 376n16

Heliodorus, 397n5, 461, 475n47


    classification, 298n67, 342, 459

    comparison to Chariton, 450, 453, 456, 456n28, 458, 458n31, 470, 473

    irony in, 467n38

    prose style, 332n158, 379n22, 448n10, 455

    title, 290n*, 298, 326n*, 373, 377n18

Helm, Rudolf W.O., 278, 327n146, 338–9, 338n3, 341, 353, 391n10, 392n12, 397n5, 407n9, 428n3, 430n5, 431, 431n6

Hermagoras (Apuleius)

  as a dialogue, 424

  as a romance, 424–6

  compared to Metamorphoses (Apuleius), 424

  compared to Satyricon (Petronius), 424

  fragments of, 423

Herodotus, 444n2, 481, 484n10

  as writer of novellae, 418, 457n29

  parataxis in, 488

  parody of, 398

  travels of, 490

Hirzel, Rudolf, 372


  focus on individual, 485–6

  gods in, 487–8

  parataxis in, 482–4

  simile in, 485


    1.259, 483

    2.469, 485

    3.59–67, 483

    3.79, 483

    3.151, 485

    6, 478

    6.510f, 482

    9.167, 482

    11.558, 485

    13.375, 483

    17.570, 485


    4.235–238, 483

    6.262, 483

    8, 486

    16.418–20, 483

    19.386ff, 484n10

Huet, Pierre D., 280

Iliad. See Homer

Kekkos, Konstantinos D., 456n28

Kerényi, Karl, 266

Knaut, Carl F., 280–3, 299n*, 327n144, 328, 332–4, 387n*, 396, 396n4

Leucippe and Clitophon. See Achilles Tatius

logoi diaphoroi, 279, 290n45, 296, 300–1, 301n70, 302, 339n4, 406n3

Longus, 379n22, 397n5

  Daphnis and Chloe

    comparison to Chariton, 443, 470

    irony in, 456n25

    length of, 302–3

    reception in antiquity, 378n19

    style, 448n10, 473

    title, 456

Luciad, the cycle of stories surrounding

  Lucius (character)

  as a folktale, 412

  compared to Herodotus, 382

  compared to Satyricon (Petronius), 378–82 [End Page 516]

  prophecy in, 314

  relationship to folklore of, 311–3


