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  • Index of Articles Volume 32

By Title

The Angelic and Didactic Roles of the Virgin Mary in Lyric VII of the Old English Advent Lyrics. philip jacobs. 143–153.

Apostolate, Ministry, Mission: The Legacy of Vatican II’s Teaching on the Laity. edward p. hahnenberg. 233–249.

Are There Stages of Meaning in African Theology? cyril orji. 71–93.

Fifty Years and Learning: Developments in the Roman Catholic Church’s Encounter with Religions. darren j. dias. 341–361.

Interreligious Dialogue Includes Listening to Secular Voices. gregory baum. 363–368.

Is Darwinism a Religion? michael ruse. 369–389.

Kierkegaard and Johannes Tauler on Faith, Love, and Natural Desire for God: A Way beyond a Catholic/Protestant Impasse. lee c. barrett. 25–43.

Kierkegaard’s Catholic Reception and the Legacy of Vatican II. joshua furnal. 17–23.

Kierkegaard’s Relation to Catholic Theology and the Broader Christian World. C. stephen evans. 45–50.

Learning to Love the World Anew: Vatican II and Catholic Social Ethics. gerard mannion. 273–295.

La liberté religieuse au concile Vatican II et depuis. gilles routhier. 329–340.

The Liturgical Reform from 1963 until Today—and Beyond. massimo faggioli. 201–217.

Paul Tillich for the Masses: Jay Bakker’s Brand of the Christian Faith. plinio degoes jr. 125–142.

Reviewing Vatican II for the Next Generation—Introduction. michael attridge. 179–181.

Sacred Scripture at Vatican II. francis j. moloney. 183–200.

The Search for Christian Unity: Past, Present, and Beyond. michael a. fahey. 315–328.

‘‘Shipwreck of Faith’’: The Religious Vision and Ideas of Wole Soyinka. celucien l. joseph. 51–69.

Theology and An-Archy: Deep Incarnation Christology Following Emmanuel Lévinas and the New Materialism. matthew eaton. 3–15.

Thomas Aquinas, sj: A Thomistic Analysis of Ignatian Consolation and Desolation. john bishop and robert carlton. 113–124.

The Universal Call to Holiness and Laity in the Church. brian p. flanagan. 219–232.

Vatican II and Feminism: Recovered Memories and Refreshed Hopes. mary ann hinsdale. 251–272.

Vatican II and Sexual Ethics: Past, Present, Future. todd a. salzman and michael g. lawler. 297–313.

Welcoming the Stranger: Anatheism and L’Arche. brent little. 95–111. [End Page 418]

By Author

attridge, michael. Reviewing Vatican II for the Next Generation—Introduction. 179–181.

barrett, lee c. Kierkegaard and Johannes Tauler on Faith, Love, and Natural Desire for God: A Way beyond a Catholic/Protestant Impasse. 25–43.

baum, gregory. Interreligious Dialogue Includes Listening to Secular Voices. 363–368.

bishop, john and robert carlton. Thomas Aquinas, sj: A Thomistic Analysis of Ignatian Consolation and Desolation. 113–124.

degoes jr., plinio. Paul Tillich for the Masses: Jay Bakker’s Brand of the Christian Faith. 125–142.

dias, darren j. Fifty Years and Learning: Developments in the Roman Catholic Church’s Encounter with Religions. 341–361.

eaton, matthew. Theology and An-Archy: Deep Incarnation Christology Following Emmanuel Lévinas and the New Materialism. 3–15.

evans, C. stephen. Kierkegaard’s Relation to Catholic Theology and the Broader Christian World. 45–50.

faggioli, massimo. The Liturgical Reform from 1963 until Today—and Beyond. 201–217.

fahey, michael a. The Search for Christian Unity: Past, Present, and Beyond. 315–328.

flanagan, brian p. The Universal Call to Holiness and Laity in the Church. 219–232.

furnal, joshua. Kierkegaard’s Catholic Reception and the Legacy of Vatican II. 17–23.

hahnenberg, edward p. Apostolate, Ministry, Mission: The Legacy of Vatican II’s Teaching on the Laity. 233–249.

hinsdale, mary ann. Vatican II and Feminism: Recovered Memories and Refreshed Hopes. 251–272.

jacobs, philip. The Angelic and Didactic Roles of the Virgin Mary in Lyric VII of the Old English Advent Lyrics. 143–153.

joseph, celucien l. ‘‘Shipwreck of Faith’’: The Religious Vision and Ideas of Wole Soyinka. 51–69.

little, brent. Welcoming the Stranger: Anatheism and L’Arche. 95–111.

mannion, gerard. Learning to Love the World Anew: Vatican II and Catholic Social Ethics. 273–295.

moloney, francis j. Sacred Scripture at Vatican II. 183–200.

orji, cyril. Are There Stages of Meaning in African Theology? 71–93.

routhier, gilles. La liberté religieuse au concile Vatican II et depuis. 329–340.

ruse, michael. Is Darwinism a Religion? 369–389.

salzman, todd a. and michael...

