In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS The PEABODY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION publishes quarterly sym­ posia in the broad area of education and human development. The editor works with guest editors, who, in turn, work with groups of scholars to present multifaceted, integrated work of social scientists, humanists, practitioners, and policy makers. Unsolicited proposals for special issues—including designation of participating scholars and an outline of articles—will be accepted for review. Additionally, the editor works with the editorial board to identify topics, guest editors, and contribu­ tors. The editor encourages submission of case studies that demonstrate the development of theory. The JOURNAL has the flexibility to con­ sider publishing monographs or series focused on particular lines of inquiry. In all cases, the editor and the editorial board will insure that each special issue is reviewed and is a high quality contribution to the literature. For further information contact: Catherine Marshall, Editor and Associate Professor, Educational Leadership, Peabody Journal of Education. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennes­ see 37203. Ellen Earle Chaffee is now the Associate Commissioner for Academic Affairs of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education. Previ­ ously Dr. Chaffee served on the Director of the organizational Studies Division of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) in Boulder, Colorado. The results of the annual ASHE Officers and Board Election are as follows: Vice President and President-Elect Clifton F. Conrad—University of Arizona Board of Directors Ernest Pascarella—University of Illinois at Chicago MaryAnn D. Sagaria—The Ohio State University Sheila Slaughter—State University of New York at Buffalo Elizabeth J. Whitt (Student Member)—Indiana University-Bloomington CALL FOR PAPERS: The University of Arizona College of Edu­ cation will sponsor a conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EDUCATION, October 28-31, 1986. Proposals are invited on the following topics: Philosophical, social and cultural implications of arti­ ficial intelligence and education, Artificial intelligence and learning the­ ory, Artificial intelligence as an assistant in education in the classroom, in administration and in research, Curricular changes required because of the impact of artificial intelligence on society and on education, Education and industry collaboration in artificial intelligence research and development, and Education and government collaboration in arti­ ficial intelligence research and development. Proposals deadline is June 1, 1986; Camera-ready copy of accepted 243 papers, August 15, 1986. Send proposals and requests for information to: Ms. Eugenie Potter, AI and Education Conference, Office of Research, College of Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 (602) 621-7890, 621-5245 L. Jackson Newell has been selected for a three year term to be the Editor of The Review o f Higher Education. All future inquiries con­ cerning manuscripts should be addressed to Dr. Newell at: University of Utah, 210 Park Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. (801) 581-3188 Managing Editor Positions Open. Both Managing Editor positions for The Review o f Higher Education are open. One position is responsible in seeing that accepted manuscripts conform with APA style. The other position is responsible for the general production of the journal. This entails overseeing the printing and distribution of each issue. Nomina­ tions for these positions are being accepted by L. Jackson Newell at the above address. R e a d e r s a re e n c o u r a g e d to s u b m it a n n o u n c e m e n ts , s u c h a s h ig h e r e d u c a tio n p o s itio n v a c a n c ie s in u n iv e rs itie s a n d r e s e a r c h o r g a n iz a tio n s ; w h o h a s r e c e n tly filled p r io r v a c a n ­ c ie s ; r e q u e s ts f o r in fo r m a tio n c o n c e rn in g s p e c ific r e s e a r c h to p ic s , te a c...

