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THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST BY JOHN OF ST. THOMAS Translated from the Latin by JAMEs M. EGAN, O.P., and WALTER D. HuGHES, O.P. CHAPTER IV* The Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge 1. In the doctrine of St. Thomas the Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge are distinct from the Gift of Understanding-as is evident from the preceding chapter. The Gift of Understanding has * OUTLINE OF CHAPTER IV Tke Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge I. THE FoRMAL DISTINCTION BETWEEN WISDOM AND THE OTHER GIFTs AND IIABITS A. Introductory nexus with previous chapter (1) B. The aspects of Wisdom (2) I. According to St. Thomas (8) 2. According t~ Suarez (4) C. Nature of Wisdom (5) I. In general (6) 2. In particular (7) a) Similarity of virtue and Gift of WISdom (8) b) Difference between the virtue and Gift of Wisdom (9) D. Wisdom and Charity I. An objection and its solution according to Suarez (10) 2. Thomistic solution from the distinction of the efficient and unitive actS in love (11) S. An objection on the effect of love (12) 4. Reply (IS) a) From the testimony of St. Thomas (14) b) Another argument (15 and 16) E. Distinction among Wisdom, Faith and the other Gifts (17) 1. Distinction between Wisdom and Faith a) A posteriori (18) b) A priori (19) 66 THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST 67 as its function the apprehension and penetration of truth, while the other Gifts judge of that truth. This point was brought out 2. Suarez's difficulty with the words of St. Thomas (20) a) Reply (21) b) Corroboration from the very words of St. Thomas (22) 8. Explanation of the difference of judgment in Wisdom and Faith (28) 4. Distinction of Wisdom from the other Gifts a) From Understanding and Counsel (24) b) From Knowledge (25, 26 and 27) c) A further note on Counsel (28) F. Objections and Replies I. Objection (29) a) First confirmation (80) b) Second confirmation (81) 2. Reply (32) a) To the first confirmation (88 and 84) b) To the second confirmation {85) 8. A note on the possibility of discourse in the Gift of Wisdom (86) n. THE OBJEcTs oF WisDoM A. Suarez on the objects of Wisdom I. His postulates (87) 2. His difficulty {88) 8. His distinction between Faith and Wisdom {89) B. St. Thomas on Wisdom (40) I. The fundaments of the Thomistic position (41) 2. Solution of Suarez's difficulty (42) 8. Refutation of his distinction between Faith and Wisdom (48) C. Objection and Reply I. Objection to the doctrine of St. Thomas (44) 2. Confirmation of this objection (45) 8. Reply to the objection itself (46 and 47) 4. Reply to the confirmation (48) Ill. THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE A. The nature of Knowledge I. Introductory nexus with treatment of Wisdom (49) 2. Comparison of the Gift of Knowledge and the virtue of the same name (50 and 51) 8. A difficulty (52) a) The Suarezian explanation (53) b) Explanation in the texts of St. Thomas (54 and 55) c) Additional notions by John of St. Thomas (56, 57 and 58) B. The distinction between Knowledge, Faith, Counsel, Wisdom and acquired knowledge (59) C. The objects of Knowledge (60) 68 JOHN OF ST. THOMAS by distinguishing simple judgment, such as is had through the habit of principles in the simple penetration of terms, from a resolutory or analytic judgment, of the scientific habits, which give the essence and the cause of the thing understood. This chapter will be occupied with explaining how the Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge are distinguished from the moral virtues, which are in the appetitive potency, and from the intellectual and theological virtues and the Beatific Vision, which are all related to the intellect. The Formal Principle of the Distinction of the Gift of Wisdom from the Other Gifts and Habits 2. Two things are to be noted in making any distinctions among the habits and virtues: a) The first is the formal nature under which each proceeds, for this formal principle specifies the act and the habit. b) The second is the object, which stands as the matter upon which the habit...

