In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Aquinas, St. Thomas, On Being and Essence. Toronto: Institute of Medieval Studies, 1949. Pp. 68, with index. $1.50. Bell, B. I., Crisis in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1949. Pp. ~46, with index. $8.00. Berdiaeff, Nicolas, Le Sens de l'Histoire. Paris: Aubier, Editions Montaigne, 1948. Pp. 221. Blackstone, B., English Blake. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949. Pp. 478, with index. Blanshard, P., American Freedom and Catholic Power. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949. Pp. 350, with index. $8.50. Bochenski, I., ed., Bibliographische Einfiihrungen in das Studium der Philosophie. Bern: A Francke Ag., 1948. 1. Allgemeine Philosophische Bibliographie~ (I. Bochenski & F. Monteleone) pp. 42, with index; S fr. 2.80. 4. Kiergegaard, (Regis Jolivet) pp. 88, with index; S fr. 2.80. 5. .Antike Philosophie, (Olof Gigon) pp. 52, with index; S fr. 8.80. 6. .Arabische Philosophie, (P. J. De Menasce) pp. 49, with index; S fr. 880. 8. .Aristoteles, (M.D. Phillippe), pp. 48, with index; S fr. 3.80. 11. Der Logische Positivismus, (Karl Diirr) pp. 24, with index; S fr. ~.80. Boole, G., The Mathematical .Analysis of Logic. New York: Philosophical Library, 1948. Pp. 82. $8.75. Bouchat, C. J., Pray like that! Windsor: J. R. Charette, 1949. Pp. 75. $.25. Bourke, V. J., Introduction to the Works of St. Thomas .Aquinas. New York: Musurgia, 1948. Pp. 80. Brillet, G., Isa'ie. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1948. Pp. 160. Brucker, H., Freedom of Information. New York: Macmillan, 1949. Pp. 807, with index. $4.00. Buckley, J., Man's Last End. St. Louis: Herder, 1949. Pp. 261, with index. $3.50. Carritt, E. F., An Introduction to Aesthetics. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1949. Pp. 151, with index. 7s 6d. Cayre, F., Initiation ala Philosophie de Saint .Augustin. Bruges: Desclee de Brouwer, 1947. Pp. 882, with index. Chaine, J., Le Livre de la Genese. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1948. Pp. 526. 600 fr. Compton, A. H., et al., Man's Destiny in Eternity. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949. Pp. 245, with index. $2.75. De Beauvoir, S., The Ethics of Ambiguity. New York: Philosophical Library, 1948. Pp. 163, with index. $8.00 898 394 BOOKS RECEIVED Deferrari, R. J. with Sr. M. I. Barry and I. McGuiness, A Lexicon of St. Thomas Aquinas, fasc..I (A-C) .. Washington: Catholic University Press, 1948. Pp. ~72. $12.50. De La Boullaye, H. P., La Spiritualite lgnatienne. Paris: Editions Pion, 1949. Pp. 507', with index. 540 fr. Deman, Th., transl., La Prudence (II-II, q. 47-56). Ed. des Jeunes. Tournai: Desclee & Cie., 1949. Pp. 554, with notes. 75 frs. belges. Dewey, J., Reconstruction in Philosophy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949. Pp. 271, with index. $2.75. Doronzo, E., De Poenitentia, (Tom. I). Milwaukee: Bruce, 1949. Pp. 560. $7.50, Dorszynski, J. A., Catholic Teaching on the Morality of Falsehood. Washington : Catholic University Press, 1948. Pp. 126, with index. $1.50. Ekbery, G. E., First Principles of Understanding. Oxford: Blackfriars, 1949. Pp. 18. ls 6d. Fairchild, H. N., Religious Trends in English Poetry, (Vol. HI: 1780-1830). New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. Pp. 559, with indexes. $6.75. Florand, F., Les Etapes de la Simplicite. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1948. Pp. 201. 200 fr. Gardet, L. and Anawati, M.-M., Introduction ala Theologie Musulmane. Paris: Librairie J. Vrin, 1948. Pp. 550, with indexes. Geyl, P., Napoleon For and Against. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949. Pp. 477, with index. $5.00. Gibbons, M., Little Nellie of Holy God. Westminster: Newman Press, 1949. Pp. 62, with index. $.75. Gibran,. K., Tears and Laughter. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949. Pp. 143. $:i!.75. Gilby, T., Barbara Celarent. New York: Longmans, 1949. Pp. 316, with index. $4.00. Gilson, E., Saint Bernard. Paris: Librairie Pion, 1949. Pp. 373. 450 fr. --, Being and Some Philosophers. Toronto: Institute of Medieval Studies, 1949. Pp. 230, with index. $3.50. Goodhart, .A. L., English Contributions to the Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949. Pp. 44. $1.50. Grabmann, M., Das Seelenleben des Heiligen Thomas von Aquin. Freiburg, Switzerland: Paulusverlag, 1949. Pp. 124, with index. Hartman, S. J., Fundamentals of Logic. St. Louis: Herder, 1949. Pp. 277, with index. $3.50. Higgins, T., Man As...

