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A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ASSUMPTION IT is not our purpose to furnish our readers with a complete bibliography on Our Lady's Assumption. This would be almost impossible, and indeed beyond the means at our disposal, considering the vast proportions of the literature on the subject. Hence a limited selection has seemed imperative. We shall pass over in silence, for example, the hundreds of homilies written in honor of Mary's prerogative from the sixth century up to the present time. Excerpts of these, for the period preceding the Council of Trent, will be found in C. Balic, 0. F. M., Testimonia de Assumptione Beatae Virginia Mariae ex omnibus saeculis; pars prior (Romae, 1948) . Those written in more recent times are accessible in the various collections of sermons, homiletic reviews, and similar sets intended for the convenience of preachers. For reasons of brevity we shall likewise omit all reference to manuals of theology and general works on Mariology which devote a special section or chapter to this doctrine. For the most part, our list of publications will include books, pamphlets and magazine articles dealing exclusively with Mary's Assumption 1 .and written within the last one hundred years. For the sake of convenience we shall follow the alphabetical order. Actas del Congreso Mariano Franciscano-Espaiiol celebrado en Madrid, 21-26 de octubre, 1947 (Madrid, 1948). Actas do Congresso Mariano dos Franciscanos de Portugal, LisboaFatima , 9 e 13 outubro de 1947 (Lisboa, 1948). Agusti, J., C. M. F., La Virgen en el misterio de la Asuncwn (Madrid, 1931). Alameda, S., 0. S. B., " La desorientaci6n asuncionista de los siglos 1 We used the word "Assumption " in its integral sense, which embraces the following three elements: Mary's death, her resurrection, and her bodily glorification in heaven. This is the sense in which Our Lady's privilege is celebrated in the universal Church. 188 134 J.B. CAROL VIII-XIII y sus causas," in Estudios Marianas, vol. 6, 1947, p. 203-221. Ales, Ad. d', S. J., "Assomption. La question dogmatique," in Etudes, vol. 176, 1923, p. 157-266. Aldama, F. A., S. J., "La Asuncion ante el Magisterio Eclesiastico. Horizontes teologicos de su definibilidad," in Estudios Marianas, vol. 6, 1947, p. 305-324. --, " La muerte de la Santisima Virgen segun una obra reciente," in Estudios Eclesiasticos, vol. 21, 1947, p. 291-321. Allmang, G., "Maria Himmelfahrt,'' in Pastor Bonus, vol. 22, 1910, p. 505-513. Allue, S. M., "La Asuncion en el arte,'' in Cr6nica del Congreso Nacional Mariano de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, 194fl). Altaner, B., "Zur Frage der Definierbarkeit der Assumptio B. M. V.," in Theologische Revue, vol. 44, 1948, p. 129-130; 138-140; vol. 45, 1949, p. 129-142. Ameri, G., 0. F. M., "Domenico Arnaldi; appunti bio-bibliografici,'' in Atti del Congresso Nazionale Mariano dei Frati Minori d'ltalia (Roma, 1948), p. 381-401. Cf. also Marianum, vol. 12, 1950, p. 56-87. Amore, A., 0. F. M., "J;,a festa della morte e dell'Assunzione della B. Vergine nella liturgia orientale (Origine e natura) ,'' in Atti del Congresso Nazionale Mariano dei Frati Minori d'ltalia (Roma, 1948), p. 197-222. Andres, Fr., 0. F. M., "La Asuncion de Maria; algo de historia," in El Pan de los Pobres, 13 de Julio, 1919. Anonymous, Tractatus de immo·rtalitate Beatae Virginia Mariae; ed. C. Balic, 0. F. M. (Romae, 1948). Anonymous, "The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, an Apostolic Tradition,'' in The Dublin Review, vol. 67 (new series, vol. 15) , 1870, p. 393-430. Antonelli, F., 0. F. M., " Maria Assunta e la nostra salvezza," in La Teologia Mariana nella vita spirituale (Milano, 1948), p. 191-212. --, " La festa dell'Assunzione nella liturgia romana,'' in Atti del Congresso Nazionale Mariano dei Frati Minori d'ltalia (Roma, 1948)' p. 225-239. Aperribay, B., 0. F. M., "La glorificacion de la Virgen, termino de la Asuncion,'' in Estudios Marianas, vol. 6, 1947; p. 3fl5-351. --, " La muerte y la Asuncion de la Virgen en los representantes A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ASSUMPTION 135 de la Mariologia franciscano-espaiiola," in Actas del Congreso Mariano Franciscano-Espaiiol (Madrid, 1948); p. 268-284. --, " La Asuncion de la Virgen segun S~n Antonio de Padua...

