In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Aumann, J., De Pulchritudine, 1951. Valencia: Tipografia Moderna. Pp. 190 with index. $2:.00. Bah;, A. G. A., Descartes and The Modern Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press. Pp. 516 with index. $10.00. Bondi, H., Cosmology, 1952:. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 179 with index. $4.50. Bradbrook, M. C., Shakespeare and Elizabethan Poetry, 1952. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 287 with index. $3.50. Bridgman, P. W., The Nature of Some of our Physical Concepts, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 64 with index. $2.75. Buckley, J., Christian Design for Sex, 1952. Chicago: Fides Publishers Association. Pp. 238. $3.50. Camus, J. P. (tr. by Kelley, D. F.), The Spirit of St. Franr;ois de Sales, 1952. New York: Harper Brothers. Pp. 280. $3.50. Casselman, P. H., The Cooperative Movement and Some of its Problems, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 178 with index. $3.00. Combes, A. (tr. by Hallett, P. E.), St. The1·ese and Suffering, 1952. New York: P. J. Kenedy. Pp. 141. $2.50. Davis, H., A Summary of Moral and Pastoral Theology. New York: Sheed & Ward. Pp. 512 with index. $5.00. DeKoninck, C., De la Primacia del Bien Commun contra los Personalistes, 1952. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispanica. Pp. 289 with index. De Raeymaeker, L., Le Cardinal Mercier et L'Institute Superieu1· de Philosophic de Louvain. Louvain: Publications Universitaires de Louvain. Pp. 273 with index. 145 Belg. Fr. DeWulf, M., History of Medieval Philosophy, VoL I. New York: Dover Publications. Pp. 336 with index. $4.00. Doronzo, E., De Poenitentia, Tom. HI, 1952. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co. Pp. 742 with index. $10.00. Evans, B. I., The Language of Shakespeare's Plays, Hl52. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Pp. 203 with index. $3.00. Fejer, J., Theoriae Corpusculares Typicae in Universitatibus Societatis Jesu Saec. XVIII et Monadologia Kantiana, 1951. Rome: Officium Libri Catholici. Pp. 69. Franciscan Studies, St. Bonaventure University Commemorative Volume, 1951. St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute. Pp. 440 with index. Fuchs, 0., Psychology of Habit According to William Ocl~ham, 1952. St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute. Pp. 129 with index. 589 540 BOOKS RECEIVED Greig, J., Thackeray, 1952. New York: Oxford University Press, 1952. Pp. 223 with index. $3.00. Grenier, H., Thomistic Philosophy, 4 vols. Charlottetown: St. Dunstan's University Press. $10.75. Guitton, J. (tr. by Smith, A. G.), The Virgin Mary, 1952. New York: P. J. Kenedy. Pp. 200 with index. $2.75. Gustalla, E., Giuseppe Tarozzi, 1951. Turin: Edizioni Di Filosofia. Pp. 52. 350 L. Hoare, F. R., Eight Decisive Books of Antiquity, 1952. New York: Sheed & Ward. Pp. 258 with index. $4.00. James, D. G., The Dream of Learn,ing, 1952. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 126. $2.50. Journet, C., L'Eglise du Verbe Incarne, 1951. Bruges: Desclee de Brouwer & Cie. Pp. 1441 with index. 520 Belg. Fr. MacPartland, J., The March Toward Matter, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 80. $2.75. Mauriac, F., The Stumbling Block, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 89 with index. $2.75. Murphy, F. X. (ed.), A Monument to St. Jerome, 1952. New York: Sheed & Ward. Pp. 310 with index. $4.50. O'Neill, J. M., Catholicism and American Freedom, 1952. New York: Harper & Bros. Pp. 299 with index. $3.50. Palmer, P. F., Mary in the Document of the Church, 1952. Westminster: Newman Press. Pp. 149 with index. $2.25. Panofsky, E., Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, 1951. Latrobe: The Archabbey Press. Pp. 174 with notes. $4.50. Powys, J. C., Porius, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 701. $5.75. Robert, A., and Tricot, A. (tr. by Arbez, E., and McGuire, M.), Guide to the Bible, Vol. I, 1952. Westminster: Newman Press. Pp. 557. $5.50. Ross, D., Plato's Theory of Ideas, 1951. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 251 with index. $3.50. Russell, B., Dictionary of Mind, Matter, and Morals. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 314. $5.00. Sanders, J. N., The Foundations of the Christian Faith, 1952. New York: Philosophical Library. Pp. 211 with index. $3.75. Sewell, A., Character and Society in Shakespeare, 1952. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 150 with index. $2.50. Sharp, F. C., Good Will and Ill...

