In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Bernard, 0. P., A. Introduction a la Philosophie Thomiste. Avignon: Maison Aubanel Pere, 1954. Pp. 136. Fr. 500. --. Presentation de la Somme TMologique. Avignon: Maison Aubanel Pere, 1954. Pp. 172. Fr. 600. Berdyaev, Nicolas. Christianity and Anti-Semitism. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 58. $2.75. Boche1'tski, I. M. Die Zeitgenossischen Denkmethoden. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1954. Pp. 151 with index. Fr. s. 2.80. Bokser, Ben Zion. From the World of the Cabbalah. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 219 with index. $3.00. Broudy, Harry S. Building a Philosophy of Education. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1954. Pp. 495 with index. $5.00. Bruno de Jesus-Marie, 0. D. C., P. (ed.) Love and Violence. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1954. Pp. 269. $4.00. Buessing, 0. F. M. Cap., Venantius. Through Him and With Him and In Him. New York: Wagner, 1954. Pp. 358. $3.50. Campbell, Roderick. Israel and the New Covenant. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1954. Pp. 347 with index. $3.75. Ehler, Sidney Z. and Morall, John B. (trs. and eds.) Church and State Through the Centuries. Westminster: Newman, 1954. Pp. 639 with index. $6.75. Ferguson, George. Signs and Symbols in Christian Art. New York: Oxford, 1954. Pp. 355 with index. $10.00. Fichter, S. J., Joseph H. Social Relations in the Urban Parish. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. Pp. 271 with index. $5.50. Gross, Feliks. Foreign Policy Analysis. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 194 with index. $3.75. Guardini, Romano. The Lord. Chicago: Regnery, 1954. Pp. 546. $6.50. Hawkins, D. J.B. Being and Becoming. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1954. Pp. 176. $3.00. Hasseveldt, Abbe Roger. (tr. by William Storey.) The Church-A Divine My.~tery. Chicago: Fides, 1954. Pp. 275. $4.50. Henry, 0. P., A. M. (tr. by William Storey). Introduction to Theology. Theology Library, Vol. I. Chicago: Fides, 1954. Pp. 320 with index. $5.95. Horvath, 0. P., Alexander. M. Studien zum Gottesbegriff. Freiburg: Paulusverlag, 1954. Pp. 328. DM 20. Johnson, John S. The Rosary in Action. St. Louis: Herder, 1954. Pp. 9'!79. $1.75. Joseph, 0. P., N. Benedict. The Virtue of Observance According to St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington: The Thomist Press, 1954. }>p. 94 with index. $1.00. H4 BOOKS RECEIVED Lavelle, Louis. The Meaning of Holiness. New York: Pantheon, 1954. Pp. 119. $2.75. McLaughlin, P. J. Modern Science and God. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 89. $2.75. Maritain, Jacques. (tr. by E. H. Flannery). An Essay on Christian Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 127 with index. $2.75. --. (tr. by Peter O'Reilly). Approaches to God. World Perspectives, Vol. I. New York: Harper, 1954. Pp. 141. $2.50. Muller, 0. S. B., J. P. Le Correctorium corruptorii "Quaestione." Studia Anselmiana, Fasc. 35. Rome: Herder, 1954. Pp. 189 with index. Mumford, Lewis. In the Name of Sanity. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. Pp. 244. $3.75. Moriarity, S. J., Frederick L. Foreword to the Old Testament Books. Weston: Weston College Press, 1954. Pp. 127. $1.00. Nagel, Ernest. Sovereign Reason. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1954. Pp. 315 with index. $5.00. Philipon, 0. P., M. M. (tr. by Rev. John Otto). The Sacraments in Christian Life. Westminster: Newman, 1954. Pp. 410. $4.25. Rouget, 0. P., A.-M. (tr. by Carisbrooke Dominicans). Christ Acts Though the Sacraments. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1954. Pp. 162. Cloth, $2.00. Paper, $1.25. Runes, Dagobert D. (ed.) Treasury of Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 1304 with index. $15.00. Saffrey, 0. P., H. D. Sancti Thomae de Aquino Super Librum de Causis Expositio. Louvain: E. Nauwelaerts, 1954. Pp. 223. Fr. 1800. Saw, Ruth Lydia. Leibniz. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1954. Pp. 240 with index. $.65. Scheler, Max. (tr. by Peter Heath). The Nature of Sympathy; New Haven: Yale-University Press, 1954. Pp. 328 with index. $5.00. Sertillanges, 0. P., A. G. Spirituality. New York: McMullen, 1954. Pp. 244. $2.95. Stallknecht, N. P. and Brumbaugh, R. S. The Compass of Philosophy. New York: Longmans, Green, 1954. Pp. 267 with index. $3.25. Stern, Karl. The Third Revolution. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. Pp. 318. $4...

