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THE THOMIST A SPECULATIVE QUARTERLY REVIEW OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY EDITORS: THE DoMINICAN FATHERS oF THE PRoviNCE OF ST. JosEPH Publishers: The Thomist Press, Washington 17, D. C. VoL. XIX OCTOBER, 1956 THE CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE OF lVlARY'S MERIT IN the encyclical letter, Ad Diem Illum, written on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the Immaculate Con~ ception, Pope Saint Pius X penned a passage which has evoked much discussion among mariologists in Europe: Since she surpasses all creatures in sanctity, and in union with Christ, and since she was chosen by Christ to be His associate in the work of human salvation, she has merited for us congruously, as they say, what Christ has merited for us condignly.1 Most theologians do not hesitate to interpret his words, " de congruo, ut aiunt," as leaving the question of Mary's merit open to theological study. It is asked: does the merit de congruo accurately qualify her merit as spiritual Mother of 1 February 2, 1904. My italics. 415 416 SISTER MARY VINCENTINE all men, as Co-redemptrix and as Mediatrix of all grace? In 1951 those who maintain this qualification of Marian merit inadequate and argue for relative condignity were described as " comparatively small in number and their spirit feeble." 2 In reality the controversy in Europe has assumed proportions which American mariologists have failed to recognize. More and more theologians 8 are becoming adherents of this school as the arguments presented cease to be "tissue-thin" and become more demonstrative and convincing. It is the purpose of this article to trace the gradual evolution of opinions as to the relative condignity of Mary's social merit, to present the thought of only those who have been most articulate and who have contributed in a great measure to the controversy by evoking a storm of approval or disapproval. It is hoped that it may arouse a similar ferment of thought in mariological circles in America, thereby furthering Marian investigation and study. 2 Joseph A. Moynahan, " Our Lady's Merit de Cangrua according to Pope Pius X," Marian Studies, II (1951), 154. 3 Cf. J. A. Aldama, S. J., S. Gonzalez, J. Solano, Sacrae Thealagiae Summa, III (Madrid, 1958), 486; M. Llamera, 0. P., "El merito maternal corredentivo de Maria," Estudias Marianas, XI (1951), 88-140; M. Cuervo, O.P., "La Virgen Maria Mediadora de Gracia," La Ciencia Tomista, LXXVII (1950), 457-477; C. Balic, 0. F. M., " Die sekundiire Mittlerschaft der Gottesmutter," Wissenchaft und Weisheit, IV (1987), 1-~~; J. M. Bover, S.J., Maria MediadOTa universal (Madrid, 1946); P. Grabic, 0. F. M., "Theologicae considerationes de natura Mediationis B. M. Virginia" in Callectanea Franciscana Slavica (Sibenici, 1940); L. Colomer, 0. F. M., La Virgen Maria (Barcelona, 1985); "Cooperaci6n meritoria de la Virgen a la Redenci6n," Estudias Marianas, II (1948), 155-177; E. Sauras, 0. P., " La muerte de Maria y la gracia de la Corredenci6n," ibid., IX (1950), ~06; Basilio de San Pablo, C. P., "Jerarquia entre los elementos formales ... de nuestra reparaci6n," ibid., II (1948), ~71-818; F. Vacas, 0. P., "El merito de Maria Corredentora no es merito de congruo," Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas, XVIII (1940), 598-605; " Maria Corredentora pudo merecer de candigna ex candignitate," ibid., pp. 719-7~9; Garcia Garces, Mater Carredemptrix (Turin, 1940), p. ~09 and "Orientaciones mariol6gicas," Estudias Marianps, I (194~), 855-887; A. Fernandez, 0. P., " De Mediatione Beatae Virginia secundum doctrinam Divi Thomae," La Ciencia Tamista, XXXVIII (19~8), 145-170. For J. Bittremieux and C. Friethoff, 0. P., cf. J. Bittremieux, "Recensiones," Marianum, XI (1949), 847. THE CONTROVERSIAl.. ISSUE OF MARY's MERIT 417 1. NEED FOR CLARIFICATION OF TERMS There have been many stormy periods in the history of dogma occasioned by a misconception of terms. Father Narciso Garcia Garces, C. M. F., first President of the Academia de Estudios Marianas in Spain, judges the present division of merit into condign and congruous to be imperfect/ and frankly says that the problem of the relative condignity of Mary's social merit is a typical dispute arising from deficient terminology .5 The Jesuit, Bover, likewise criticizes the nomenclature of Mary's merit, believing that the problem of the condignity...

