In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Table of ContentsVolume 90


Womb with a View”: The Introduction of Western Obstetrics in Nineteenth-Century Siam / 1
Quentin (Trais) Pearson

Hong Kong Junk: Plague and the Economy of Chinese Things / 32
Robert Peckham

Between the Bazaar and the Bench: Making of the Drugs Trade in Colonial India, ca. 1900-1930 / 61
Nandini Bhattacharya

Residential Treatment and the Invention of the Emotionally Disturbed Child in Twentieth-Century America / 92
Deborah Blythe Doroshow

The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture “Break-Bone” Fever in Philadelphia, 1780: Reflections on the History of Disease / 193
Randall M. Packard

Spines of Steel: A Case of Surgical Enthusiasm in Cold War America / 222
Beth Linker

Photographing AIDS: On Capturing a Disease in Pictures of People with AIDS / 250
Lukas Engelmann

Plague Doctors in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Mental Health Professionals and the “San Francisco Model,” 1981-1990 / 279
Thomas R. Blair [End Page 775]

Medical Research in Stalin’s Gulag / 363
Golfo Alexopoulos

The Autobiographical Shoulder of Ernest Amory Codman: Crafting Medical Meaning in the Twentieth Century / 394
Caitjan Gainty

Blood, Soy Milk, and Vitality: The Wartime Origins of Blood Banking in China, 1943-45 / 424
Wayne Soon

Marketing Masked Depression: Physicians, Pharmaceutical Firms, and the Redefinition of Mood Disorders in the 1960s and 1970s/ 455
Lucie Gerber and Jean-Paul Gaudillière

“The Weight of Perhaps Ten or a Dozen Human Lives”: Suicide, Accountability, and the Life-Saving Technologies of the Asylum / 583
Kathleen M. Brian

The “Ice Age” of Anatomy and Obstetrics: Hand and Eye in the Promotion of Frozen Sections around 1900 / 611
Salim Al-Gailani

Measuring Up: Anthropometrics and the Chinese Body in Republican Period China / 643
Jia-Chen Fu

“A Greater Earnestness of Purpose and a More Militant Spirit”: Physicians and Medical Relief in 1930s Michigan / 672
Susan Stein-Roggenbuck

aahm report /491

pedagogy / 124, 540

news and events / 312, 535, 702 [End Page 776]

digital media and humanities / 314, 705

book notes / 360, 762

book reviews / 141, 320, 543, 708

books received / 187, 361, 579, 763

subject and author index – volume 90 / 765 [End Page 777]


