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DE LA TAILLE vs. THOMISTIC TRADITION A REPLY 0 NE of the most intriguing developments in speculative theology during the first half of the twentieth century was the theory of Maurice de la Taille called " Created Actuation by Uncreated Act." 1 The theory aimed at shedding light on the metaphysics of the supernatural order, with particular applications to the Incarnation, the inhabitation of the Holy Spirit in the souls of the just, and the beatific vision. It has won favorable acceptance by not a few distinguished theologians who have attempted to extend the area of its applicability .2 Not aU, of course, have been so enthusiastic 1 De Ia Taille's theory is expressed in three essays: " The Schoolmen," published in The Incarnation (199!5 session of the Summer School of Catholic Studies, Cambridge, England) edited by Cuthbert Lattey, S. J. (Cambridge: W. Hefler & Sons, 199!6), pp. 152-189; "Actuation creee par Acte incree," Recherches de Science Religieuse, XVIII (1928), pp. 9!53-268; and "Entretien arnica! d'Eudoxe et de Palamede sur Ia grace d'union," Revue Apologetique, XLVIII (Jan.-June 1929), pp. 5-26 and 129-145. All three essays, the first as a reprint, the other two translated into English by Cyril Vollert, S. J., are united in a single brochure, The Hypostatic Union and Created Actuation by Uncreated Act (West Baden Springs, Indiana: West Baden College, 1952). • The following list is by no means exhaustive: Cyril Vollert, S. J. in his translator's note, The Hypostatic Union, p. 9!8; William R. O'Connor, "A New Concept of Grace and the Supernatural," The (American) Ecclesiastical Review, XCVIII (Jan.-June, 1938), pp. 401-413; Malachi J. Donnelly, S. J., "The Theory of R. P. Maurice de Ia Taille, S. J. on the Hypostatic Union," Theological Studies, II (1941), pp. 510-59!6; idem., "The Inhabitation of the Holy. Spirit: A Solution according to de Ia Taille," Theological Studies, VIII (1947), pp. 445-470; Prudence de Letter, S. J., "Sanctifying Grace and Our Union with the Holy Trinity," Theological Studies, XIII (1952), pp. 33-58; Franc;ois Bourassa, S. J., "Adoptive Sonship: Our Union with the Divine Persons," Theological Studies, XIII (1952), pp. 309-310 and 330; Joseph Triitsch, SS. 1'rinitatis inhabitatio apud theologos recentiores (Trent: Editriee Mutilati e Invalidi, 1949), pp. 97-107. Father Triitsch in this dissertation also indicates the theory of Karl Rahner, S. J., "Zur scho- 234 WILLIAM MACOMBER welcoming the new interpretation of traditional theology.3 Recently, however, the entire foundations of the theory have been challenged by Father Thomas U. Mullaney, 0. P., in his article, " The Incarnation: de la Taille vs. Thomistic Tradition ." 4 Father Mullaney concludes with this grave warning: It can never be with pleasure that one concludes that a work built by a great man, and at the cost of tremendous labor, is seriously deficient. Therefore, one could not undertake a rigorous criticism of de la Taille's theory of "created actuation by uncreated act" merely for the sake of intellectual exercise. But that theory, weak and objectionable in its very foundations, is being embraced and hailed today as " an introduction to the purest scholastic tradition ," " a fine supplementary text for the De Verbo course," " an outstanding exposition of the metaphysics of sanctifying grace and the beatific vision," and so forth. Sadly, it is none of these things. It is novel, opposed to tradition; it is doctrinally dangerous; it is, metaphysically, rooted in and built upon confusion.5 lastischen Begrifllichkeit der ungeschaffenen Gnade," Zeitschrift fur katholische Theologie, LXIll (1989), pp. 187-156, as closely resembling de Ia Taille's (Cf. J. Triitsch, op. cit., pp. 107-116). In addition to the above theologians who discuss de la Taille's hypothesis at some length, others can be mentioned who refer to it briefly, but with approval: Emile Mersch, S. J., "Filii in Filio: Le surnaturel," Nouvelle Revue Theologique, LXV (1988), p. 817; and G. Philips, La grace des justes de !'Ancient Testament: Fondements scripturaires; Etude theologique," Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, XXIV (1948) , p. 45. A new treatment of de la Taille in the light of the various objections that have been raised, Father Mullaney's in particular, appeared too...

