In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIV:Ep Abbo, John A. Political Tlwugkt, Men and Ideas. Westminster: The Newman Press, 1960. Pp. 467 with index. $5.75. Arendzen, J.P. Purgatory and Heaven. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1960. Pp. 96. 75¢. Bouyer, Louis. (Francis X. Murphy, C. Ss. R., Tr.). Erasmw and His Times. Westminster: The Newman Press, 1960. Pp. 2!!0. $8.75. - - . (J. Lewis May, Tr.). Newma11r-Hia Life and Spirituality. New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1960. Pp. 404 with index. $1.55/ Canada $1.70. Broderick, O.P., Joseph A. (Compiled by). Dominicana Indez, Vols. I-XLI, 1916-1956. District of Columbia: Dominicana, 1959. Pp. 110. $1.!!5. Buckley, D. D., Rev. Michael J, Morality and tke Homose:tual-A Catkolic Approack to a Moral Problem. Westminster: The Newman Press, 1959. Pp. 289 with indices. $8.50. Biihler, Curt F. (A. L. Gabriel and J. N. Garvin, Eds.). Tke University and tke Press in Fifteentk-Century Bologna. No. VII Texts and Studies in the History of Mediaeval Education. Notre Dame: The Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 1958. Pp. 109 with index. Burghardt, S. J., Walter J., and Lynch, S. J., William F., (Eds.). Tke Idea of Catkoliciam-An Introduction to the Tkougkt and Worskip of tke Ckurck. New York: Meridian Books, Inc., 1960. Pp. 479. $6.00. Chenu, 0. P., M.D. (A. H. N. Green-Armytage, Tr.). Is Tkeology a Science? New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1960. Pp. 126. $2.95. Clark, Dennis. Cities in Crisis. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1960. Pp. 188. $8.50. Daniel-Rops, Henri. Tke Book of Mary. Englewood Cliffs: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1960. Pp. !!24. $4.95. Dawson, Christopher. Progress and Religion. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1960. Pp. !!00. 85¢. de Lubac, Henri. (Alexander Dru, Tr.). The Discovery of God. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1960. Pp. !!12. $8.95. de Wohl, Louis. Adam, Eve, and tke Ape. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1960. Pp. 118. $2.75. Gilby, Thomas. (Selected & Translated by). St. Tkomas Aquinas Pkilosopkical Terls. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. Pp. 427. $1.95. 811 31~ BOOKS RECEIVED Gilson, Etienne. Elements of Christian Pkilosophy. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1960. Pp. 860. $7.00. Gorman, C. P., Ralph. The Last Hours of ]esu8. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1960. Pp. 284. $8.95. Harris, Marjorie S. Francisco Romero on Problems of Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1960. Pp. 113. $3.75. Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried. Classical Mathematics-A Concise History of the Classical Era in Mathematics. Jedin, Hubert. Ecumenical Councils in the Catholic Churchr-An Historical Survey. New York: Herder and Herder, Inc., 1960. Pp. 254. $8.95. Krapiec, Mieczyslaw Albert·. Teoria Analogii Bytu. Lubin: Towarzystwo Neukowe, Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1959. Pp. 400 with index. Kwant, 0. S. A., Ph. D., Remy C. Philosophy of Labor, Duquesne Studies, Philosophical Series 10. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University, 1960. Pp. 174 with index. $5.25 bound, $4.50 paper. Lochet, Louis. Apparitions of Our Lady-Their Place in the Life of the Church. New York: Herder & Herder, Inc., 1960. Pp. 186. $2.95. MacConaill, M. B., D. Sc., M. R.I. A., M. A. Bodily Structure and the Will. The Aquinas Society of London, Aquinas Paper No. 84. London, W. C. 1.: The Aquin Press, 1960. Pp. 28. $2.00. Maritain, Jacques. Scholasticism and Politics. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1960. Pp. 238. 95¢. Maynooth Union Summer School, Lectures of (Kevin McNamara, Ed.). Mother of the Redeemer. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1960. Pp. 271 with indices. $4.00. Molnar, Thomas. BERNANOS, His Political Thought & Prophecy. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1960. Pp. 228. $3.95. Moriarity, S. J., Frederick L. Introducing The Old Testament. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1960. Pp. 264 with index. $4.25. Procceedings Fifth Annaul Meeting of the Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine, March 80-81, 1959, New York. Notre Dame: St. Mary's College, 1959. Pp. 151. Rahner, Hugo. Saint· lgnatiUB Loyola-Letters to Women. New York: Herder and Herder, Inc., 1960. Pp. 588 with index. $11.50. Rahner, Karl, S. J. FreeSpeech in the Church. New York: Sheed &Ward, 1960. Pp. 112. $2.15. Randall; Jr., John Herman. Aristotle. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. Pp. 820. $5.00. Sheed, F. J. God and...

