In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Anderson, James F., St. Augustine and Being. The Hague: Martinus Nijhohh, 1965. Pp. 76. $9.90. Beck, Heinrich, Der Akt-Charakter Des Seins. Mlinchen: Max Hueber Verlag, 1965. Pp. 89~. DM ~4. Beck, Lewis White, Studies in the Philosophy of Kant. New York: BobbsMerril . Pp. ~4~. $6.50. Bochenski, J. M., The Methods of Contemporary Thought. DordrechtHolland : D. Reidel, 1965. Pp. 185. Cameron, J. M., Images of Authority. Yale University, 1966. Pp. 81. $4.00. Connell, Richard J., Ph. D., Matter and Becoming. Dubuque: Priory Press, 1966. Pp. 197. $5.00. Darms, Gion, Averroes. FreiburgjSuisse: St. Paul, 1966. Vol. XI. Pp. 106. FRjDm 18. Daues, Vincent, S. J., Holloway, Maurice, S. J., Sweeney, Leo J., S. J., (editors), Wisdom in Depth. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1966. Pp. 260. $5.00. De Deo, Congressus Thomistici International. Vol. 1. Rome, Italy. Pp. 817. De Pater, W. A., S.C. J., Les Topiques D'Aristote et Dialectique Platoncienne . FribourgjSuisse, 1965 X. Pp. ~57. Fr. 80. Dhavamony, Mariasusai, S. J., Subjectivity and Knowledge in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Rome: Gregorian University Press, 1965. Vol. 148 # 14. Pp. 168. $4.~0. Dougherty, Kenneth, S. A., Metaphysics. New York: Graymoor Press, 1965. Vol. IV. Pp. ~08. $5.00. Guerard Des Lauriers, Michel L., 0. P., Le Peche et la Duree de Lange. Rome: Desclee, 1965. Pp. 855. Hartshorne, Charles, Anselm's Discovery. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1966. Pp. 888. Hardback $6.00. Paper $~.45. Kegley, Charles W. (Editor), The Theology of Rudolph Bultmann. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Pp. 320. $5.75. Kiesling, Christopher, 0. P., Before His Majesty. River Forest, Ill.: Aquinas Library, 1965. Pp. ~~8. $~.~5. Luyten, N. A., 0. P., Teilhard De Chardin. Univ. of Fribourg, 1965. Pp. 68. Fr. 4.80. Monzel, Nikolaus, Katholische Sociallehre. KOln: J. P. Bachem, 1965. Pp. 4~7. DM. 80. Morris, Charles, Festival. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1966. Pp. 85. $4.00. BOOKS RECEIVED ~03 Robert, A. and Feuillet, A., Introduction to the New Testament. Paris: Desclee Co., Inc., 1965. Pp. 919.l. $15.75. Ryan, John K. and Bonansea, Bernardine M., John Duns Scotus, 12651965 . Wash., D. C.: Catholic Univ. Press, 1966. Vol. # 3. Pp. 384. $6.95. Seiler, Julius, Das Dasein Gottes Als Denkaufgabe. Stuttgart: Raber Verlag Luzern, 1965. Pp. 39.l8. DM. 9.l8. Shine, Daniel J., S. J., An Interior Meta-Physics. Weston, Mass.: Weston College Press, 1965. Pp. 198. $9.l.50. Siegmund, George, Belief in God and Mental Health. New York: Desclee, 1965. Pp. 210. $4.50. Simon, Gabriel SS. CC., Die Achse der Weltgeshichte nach Karl Jaspers. Vol. 147, # 13. Rome: Universita Gregoriana, 1965. Pp. 9.l14. $5.00. Siwek, Paulus, S. J. (editor), Tractatus De Anima (Aristotle). Rome: Desclee, 1965. Pp. 374. Taylor, John F. A., The Masks of Society. New York: Appleton, Century, Crofts. Pp. 273. $5.00. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Appearance of Man. New York: Harper and Row, 1966. Pp. 286. $5.00. Tulane Studies in Philosophy. Vol. XIV. New Orleans: Tulane Univ., 1965. Pp. 110. $9.l.OO. Vogel, Arthur A., The Next Christian Epoch. New York: Harper and Row, 1966. Pp. 111. $3.50. Wheelright, Philip {editor), The Presocratics. New York: The Odyssey Press, 1966. Pp. 337. ...

