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BRIEF NOTICES Heaven or Hell. By GEORGE PANNETON. Trans. Ann M. C. Forster. Westminister , Md.: Newman, 1965, pp. 360, with bibliography and analytic index. $6.95. Drawing on scripture, tradition, the teaching of theologians, especially Aquinas, the saints and mystics, Canon Panneton has written a book intended as a sort of Guide to the Future Life. It is not a highly technical book, more of a moralistic treatment for the purpose of reminding the general reader of the facts about his ultimate destiny. The book makes no attempt to integrate the work that has been done in eschatology over the past ten or fifteen years, but is content to state the traditional theology on the last things. Thus, it is disappointing. It does contain, however, many quotations from the saints and mystics about heaven and hell which, regardless of the development in understanding the scriptures, are interesting and useful. Treatise on the Virtues. Trans. JoHN A. OESTERLE. (la2ae, qq. 49-67) Summa Theologiae. Englewood Clifs, N. J.: Printice-Hall, 1966, pp. 171, with Introduction and notes. Paperback. This is a very fine translation of an important tract in the Summa by a competent scholar. It makes available for use by itself or as supplement to biblical studies a text containing the classical theological treatment of the virtues. Servais Pinckaers in an important article about this tract (Cross Currents, Winter, 1962) shows that the teaching of St. Thomas has amazing freshness and validity for our day. Virtue, according to the Angelic Doctor, is really a capacity to create works that are humanly perfect on the moral plane; it gives a man the strength to do his best. With the help of insights from Pinckaers, from Dr. Oesterle's good Introduction, the deep truth of Aquinas will sparkle with life. Virtue will no longer be seen as temperance, or the great moderator, but as strength, as power, as the ultimate, the maximum to which we are called by Christ. THOMAS R. HEATH, 0. P. 303 ...

