In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NOTES ON OUR CONTRIBUTORS ANDREW G. VAN MELSEN, Ph. D., Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, guest professor at Duquesne University on two occasions, who has served on the Faculty of the Exact Sciences at Nijmegen and on the Papal Commission on Birth Control in Rome, is the author of Philosophy of Nature, Evolution and Philosophy, and a new book entitled Physical SCience and Ethics. JoHN N. DEELY, Ph. L., whose present work is an abstract of his dissertation in partial fulfillment of a Doctorate in Philosophy, is a member of the Department of Philosophy, St. Joseph College, Collegeville, Indiana. NoEL A. KINSELLA, S. T. D., Ph. D., author of Towards a Theory of Personality Development and Moral Orientation of the Mentally Retarded , is Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, N. B., Canada, visiting professor at the University of New Brunswick and Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Clinic, Dept. of Health, Fredericton, N. B., Canada. THOMAs R. HEATH, 0. P., Ph. D., author of the book, In Face of Anguish, a frequent contributor to learned journals, a member of the editorial staff of THE THoMIST, is Professor of Theology on the Pontifical Faculty of Theology at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C. ...

