In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Alba House: What Does Christ Want?, by Bernard Haring, C. SS. R. (Pp. ~34, $4.95); A Prophetic History of the West, by Sergius Wroblewski, 0. F. M. (Pp. ~00, $3.95.) Bantam Books, Inc.: The Terrible Choice: The Abortion Dilemma, ed. by Robert E. Cooke, Andre E. Hellegers, Robert G. Hoyt, and Herbert W. Richardson. (Pp. llO, $.95.) Central Press, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Scholasticism After Thomas Aquinas and the Teaching of Hasdai Crescas and His Predecessors, by Shlomo Pines. (Pp. 101.) Craig Press: Evolution and the Reformation of Biology, by Hebden Taylor. (Pp. 9~, $1.50); Foundations of Theory, by William Young. (Pp. 1~1. $3.75.) Fides Publishers, Inc.: Essays In Seminary Education, by John Tracy Ellis (Pp. ~78, $5.95); The Responsible Church, by Emmanuel Cardinal Suhard. (Pp. ~58, $4.95.) MacMillan Company: Contemporary Spirituality, ed. by Robert W. Gleason , S. J. (Pp. 343, $6.95.) Marquette University Press: The Subject, by Bernard Lonergan, S. J. (Pp. 48, $~.50.) Mouton & Co.: John Dewey's Theory of Inquiry and Truth, by Lowell Nissen. (Pp. ll~.) Ohio University Press: Shaftesbury's Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, by Stanley Grean. (Pp. ~96, $7.50.) Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.: The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark, ed. by Ronald H. Nash. (Pp. 516, $9.95.) Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1967, Vol. XLI. (Pp. ~73.) Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 1967, Vol. ~~. (Pp. 35~.) University of Minnesota Press: The Wall and the Garden, ed. by A. W. Plumstead. (Pp. 390, $8.50.) University of Notre Dame Press: History of Eastern Christianity, by Aziz S. Atiya. (Pp. 486, $13.50.) University of Washington Press: Civil Disobedience and Moral Law in 19th Century American Philosophy, by Edward H. Madden. (Pp. ~14, $7.50.) Westminster Press: The Situation Ethics Debate, ed. by Harvey Cox. (Pp. ~85, $1.95 paper; $3.95 hardbound.) 448 ...

