In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED American Bible Society: Good News for Modern Man. The New Testament in Today's English Version. Second Edition, 1969. (Pp. 600, $0.35) Bobbs-Merill Co., Inc.: Jonathan Edwards. Freedom of the WiU, ed. by A. S. Kaufman & W. K. Frankena. (Pp. 309, $6.50) Collier Books: The Two Hands of God. The Myths of Polarity, by Alan W. Watts. (Pp. 256, $1.50) Doubleday & Co., Inc.: The Crisis of Faith. A Protestant Witness in Rome, by Frederick Sontag. (Pp. 285, $5.95) Fides Publishers, Inc.: Intimacy. Pastoral Psychological Essays, by Henri J. M. Nouwen. (Pp. 173, $4.95 cloth, $2.50 paper) Harper & Row, Publishers: What is Religion? by Paul Tillich. (Pp. 191, $5.95); Evolution: The Theory of Teilhard de Chardin, by Bernard Delfgaauw. (Pp. 124, $4.00) Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.: The Politics of the Gospel, by Jean-Marie Paupert. (Pp. 192, $4.95); Church. Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, ed. by Peter Foote, John Hill, Laurence Kelly, John McCudden, Theodore Stone. (Pp. 144, $3.25) Les Presses de L'Universite Laval: La Philosophic dans le Cite Technique. Essai sur la philosophic bergsonienne des techniques, by Roger Ebacher. (Pp. 226, $5.25) Libreria Editrice della Pontificia Universita Gregoriana: Dogmenentwicklung als Problem der Geschichtlichkeit der Wahrheitserkenntnis, by Winfried Schulz. (Pp. 387, $6.70, L. 4.000) Libreria Editrice della Pontificia Universita Lateranense: Esegesi Tomistica , by Cornelio Fabro, C. S.S. (Pp. 478); La Vocazione Individuate nel Nuovo Testamento, by Germano Greganti. (Pp. 456); Un Cardenal, Filosofo de la Historia. Fr. Z.eferino Gonzalez, 0. P. (1831-1894), by Franco Diaz de Cerio, S. J. (Pp. 197); La Dignita della Persona Umana nel Magistero di Pia XII, by Giuseppe Aquilanti. (Pp. 150); Giustizia e Carita, by Reginaldo Pizzorni, 0. P. (Pp. 150) Libreria Editrice Vaticana: Acta Congressus Internationalis de Theologw Concilii Vaticani II, 1966, ed. by A. Schonmetzer, S. J. (Pp. 881, $14.50) Oxford University Press, Theological Science, by Thomas F. Torrance. (Pp. 388, $11.75) Philosophical Library: Everyman's Book of Saints, by C. P. S. Clarke. (Pp. 346, $10.00); Existentialism and the New Christianity (A 817 818 BOOKS RECEIVED Comparative Study of Existentialism and Swedenborgianism) , by Harry W. Barnitz. (Pp. 5fl9, $10.00) Ronald Press Company: Introduction to tke New Testament, by R. W. Crapps, E. V. McKnight, D. A. Smith. (Pp. 578, $8.50) Sheed & Ward: Theologicel Soundings. God and Man, by E. Schillebeeckx, 0. P. (Pp..3fl0, $6.50) Schocken Books, Inc.: The Five Ways. St. Thomas Aquinas' Proofs of God's Existence, by Anthony Kenny. (Pp. 139, $4.95); Mora) Reasoning, by R. W. Beardsmore. (Pp. 159, $4.95) University of Chicago Press: Tke Existentialist Prologomena. To a Future Metaphysics, by Frederick Sontag. (Pp. 231) University of Kentucky Press: The Light of tke Mind: St. Augustine's Theory of Knowledge, by Ronald H. Nash. (Pp. 156, $6.50) University of Notre Dame Press: Tke Jews in Germany. From tke Enlightenment to National Socialism, by H. G. Adler. (Pp. 128, N~ . Vanderbilt University Press: Physical Order and Moral Liberty, by George Santayana, ed. by John & Shirley Lachs. (Pp. S36, $7.95) Westminster Press: Melanchthon and Bucer, ed. by Wilhelm Pauck. (Pp. 4fl6, $7.50) ...

